Chapter 3: A Little Too Bored

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   It had already been two days since Elvis had awoken from his three day coma, and the snow had yet to go away. Elvis watched the fuzzy news on a small black and white TV that sat in the living room. Every channel was the same. Everyone was in a panic over Elvis being missing, and since Candice refuses to put herself in the lime light, no one has a clue that he's been found. There were teenage girls crying and panicking, news reporters sending out false rumors about him being dead that only urged those poor young girls to fall into a depression, and his manager wasn't helping wither as he stood in front of the press talking about how Elvis might not be found and how he may freeze to death. It was all too obvious that his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, was speaking out only for more publicity. Elvis couldn't help but wish for the desire to jump through the television and let everyone know he was safe and alive. A shutter shook the house causing the lights to flicker and the TV fell dead. Elvis groaned at the lifeless TV. It was all the company he had. Lana didn't talk much to Elvis unless they were eating or passed by each other. She seemed to be a quiet person and most of the time she stayed in her room or in the room that Elvis admired. Elvis found himself bored and itching for someone to talk to or something to do. He too stayed in his room or sat alone in the living room, but they were just as equally boring and useless. The only time he did find entertainment was when Lana would play a record to which Elvis would sing along to quietly. It was soft, boring music but it kept him entertained. Sadly that never lasted long at all. It was like a prison and Elvis was dying to have a little fun; being the daredevil that he is. Elvis pushed himself up from the sofa and sighed tiredly.

The blissful sound of a piano played through the house; Elvis followed it slowly, easily assuming where it was coming from. He would have stayed put and listened to it play but he hadn't heard Lana play it before and was curious. Besides, it might be a way to release all of this boredom that casted over him. The door was slightly slid open where the piano echoed its music. Lana sat quietly playing it as she barely hummed along. A small smile grew on Elvis's face as he leaned himself on the doorframe. She stopped playing and wrote down unknown melodies and words on a sheet of paper that sat in front of her. "Beautiful." his voice seemed to echo as he spoke; causing her to jump a little and then quickly turn to him. "I had no idea you played." She cleared her throat nervously. "A little," she muttered. She watched him awkwardly, waiting for him to leave, but he only smiled charmingly. "Please," he graced, "Don't let me stop ya from playin'." She smirked and turned back around collecting the papers that sat in front of her. "No, no. I was just finishing up, actually." "No, please." he insisted as he moved away from the door way and towards her. "I wanna hear you play." She shook her head in protest, but Elvis was a determined man and sat next to her. She could breathe his scent in as close as they sat and she felt her cheeks flush a dark pink. "Well if y're not gonna play will you at least teach me somethin'?" he smiled. She looked up at him anxiously and smirked. "You're a famous singer and you can't play an instrument?" she teased. "Oh, no, I can play. I just want ya t'teach me whatever it was you were playin'." She let out a small breath; a nervous smile still playing on her face. "I'm not really much of a teacher. I can't-" "Just try." He interrupted, looking into her eyes, and she looked back with a faded smile. A moment of silence washed over the room; it wasn't awkward or somewhat bothering, but it was, in a way, nice; peaceful. Her hazel eyes got lost in his light blue ones and she felt herself become mindless; hypnotized, if you will. Her breath was slow and calm as her eyes searched his. Quickly she pulled away from his gaze and gathered reality. "Maybe some other time." she mumbled and quickly grabbed her papers and left. Elvis let out a sigh of frustration. Why was she so closed in? All he wanted to do was have a little fun, maybe joke around a bit, and let go. All she wanted to do was be alone and in peace. Elvis was beginning to wish a psycho was the one to rescue him; at least there would be someone to talk to. Well, he thought as he glanced over at the guitars, might as well make the most of bein' in here.

   Night was beginning to fall with the whistles of the wind blowing fiercely. Lana had just changed into her night gown when she had began to remove a silver necklace from around her neck and place it on her night stand. A noise caught her attention that played from down stairs. She paused for a moment to listen closely. It was the sound of a guitar; an acoustic guitar, and - singing? She grabbed her robe that was perfectly laying out on her bed and tied it around her as she left the room. The house was somewhat dark except for one room; her music room. The door was cracked open and music fiercely threw itself out of the room. Hesitantly, as she came to the door, Lana slid it open to find a sight that instantly made her smile. Elvis sat on top of the piano as he played an up beat tempo and sang; obviously entertaining himself with no knowledge that he was being watched. He sang his words loud and full of energy.

Well I'm leavin' town baby.

I'm leavin' town for sho'.

And I don't want to be bothered with ya'

Hangin' round my door, Well that's alright.

That's all right.

Now that's all-right now, Mama. Anyway you do.

"Oh get it n'ah!" he exclaimed as he jumped off of the piano and onto his feet. Instantly, he was dancing as he played the guitar. His feet moved quickly and it was naturally amazing as if this is what he had been born to do. Lana couldn't help but keep the giant smile on her face as she watched. He was so free. His hands were playing the hell out of that acoustic guitar and it wouldn't be a surprise if it caught fire right then and there. The song was more upbeat than what he had recorded, but it was just as amazing and it seemed even more fun to dance to; Elvis was a perfect example of that. He moved around the room beautifully, turning around to Lana for their eyes to meet. He quickly stopped playing and dancing around, and blushed. "Having fun?" Lana teased. Elvis scratched the back of his head innocently and an embarrassed smile crept onto his face. "I was just, uh -" "Bored?" she guessed. "Yeah," he barely chuckled, "I guess so." "You're pretty good." she complimented as Elvis set the acoustic guitar back down underneath Carter Rays picture. "Pretty good?" he looked at her with a knowing smile. She smirked. "Don't flatter yourself." She pulled herself out of the door and began to walk away, but paused and turned back around. "Good night, Elvis." she said softly and walked away; disappearing into the darkness of the house. Elvis slid his hands in his pockets and smiled. "G'night, Lana." he whispered.

   Elvis shut the light off in the music room and shut the door securely behind him. He made his way quietly upstairs and met his door. His hand gently touched the knob but he wasn't really ready for bed; feeling that he's had enough sleep. So, he let go of the door knob and slowly walked to Lana's room. He stared at the door and a seem of nerves came over him. With little courage, he gently knocked on the door; hoping that she would hear it. There was nothing but silence as he awaited those few seconds. Instantly he felt foolish for wanting to disturb her and turned around to leave before the creaking of a door was heard. "Elvis?" she questioned. He turned around, and looked at the young girl who was tying a silk, light pink robe around herself. "Are you okay?" she asked, referring to the nervousness of his facial expression. "Oh, no, uh - I'm fine." his words stumble out. "I was just about to go to bed but I um... I'm not quite ready. So, I was hopin', well more of wonderin', if you'd like to stay up and maybe have a cup of tea with me or somethin', maybe." She barley smiled at him. "Its late." she whispered. "Right," he nodded, quickly taking the hint, "I apologize if I woke ya up." She only responded with a simple nod and then closed the door. Elvis squeezed his eyes together at how idiotic he thought he had been. "Stupid." he muttered to himself as he walked away from her door. And even though she didn't want any tea, he was going to make himself a cup anyways; all by himself. And as the sound of his footsteps faltered out, Lana listened somewhat regretfully. To her, Elvis seemed like a very nice person, but she didn't like getting attached to people; she didn't like the feeling of befriending someone and then watching them leave. And so, she kept her distance. Because if he were still a stranger by the time the storm ends, saying goodbye won't hurt and she will continue to live alone in peace like she had done for years now, since he had gone. And of course there were thoughts that ran through her mind saying that Elvis would be a good friend, but she knew herself all too well; all too well indeed.

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