Chapter Six: Evil Ever Sleeps

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I was out walking behind Fowl Manor. I was planning to ask Artemis to join me, but he was talking to himself in his study and I changed my mind.

I heard something and stopped. Talking, but it wasn't close. I took to the air, turns out the talking was coming from the road in front of Fowl Manor.

There was a red car parked on the road. I hid behind a bush off the road near their car and listened.

"-grab the boy when he comes out, it's a simple plan," said Man number one, he had a slim face and short brown hair, in all truth, he was quite cute.

Man number two nodded, "This will be easy as pie." He wasn't cute like the first guy, he was slightly heavyset, with a Mohawk. He stood out, boldly, and not in a good way.

Were they talking about kidnapping Artemis? I can't let them do that to my brother! A plan hit me, I flew back to Fowl Manor, it was faster than walking, and right up to Artemis room's window. It was easy to open and soon I was inside. I pulled open the door to his wardrobe, I was shocked to see blue jeans and tee shirts in there, after getting over that shock, I pulled out one of his many suits and a pair of loafers.

I had never been in his room before and decided to have a quick look around. A small safe caught my eye, it took me less than a minute to open it. Inside there wasn't much there were some strange vials with what appeared to be blue contacts in them and a ring with a big gaudy red stone. What are you doing? Hurry up, I thought, I closed the safe.


I viewed myself in the mirror, I was now dressed in one of Artemis's black suits, my hair was combed back. Showtime, I walked downstairs, praying to God that I wouldn't run into Artemis on the way. That would be awkward.

I stood with my hand on the handle of the front door. Are you sure you want to do this? I opened the door. I walked outside and down the walking path. I felt a hand grab my arm, I looked up, it was man number one.

I sighed. "Are you going to tell me what you want?" When I said this, I tried my best to sound like Artemis.

He smiled. "You'll find out soon enough."


Butler had gone outside to look for Elizabeth, he had just rounded a corner when he saw something that almost made his heart stop. Artemis was being thrown into a red sports car in the driveway. Butler ran at the car, they were not kidnapping Artemis if he had anything to do with it.

"Go!" yelled the man who had just thrown Artemis into the car, he had just gotten in himself.

Butler would have run after the car, but he saw Artemis looking at him. Artemis winked, only it wasn't Artemis, it was Elizabeth and as soon as Butler saw that wink he knew.

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