Two Way Mirror (pt.2)

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°•°•°•°It's been a few minutes, five minutes to be exact, and you and your gender opposite are in your room. Not a sound could be heard from the both of you, it was just too weird. It's not like you could get to know each other, you already know everything about him and he knows everything about you.
"S-so, what's your favorite color?" You ask, trying to start some type of hopeful conversation.
"(F/C)" he answers, praying that your favorite color is something different.
"Hehe, mine too..." you nervously chuckle while scratching your cheek pink dusted cheek.
A few antagonizing minutes pass again, you really hated this. 'Ugh this sucks...' you both groan in annoyance.
Just after, both of your stomachs grumble, begging for some food.
"Let's get some (F/F)" You offer cheerfully. Mostly because you were very hungry, but it could also be a great bonding time between the two of you.
You both get up and walk into to kitchen, you noticed that you were out of (F/F).
"Aw man, guess we'll have to go out and get more." The male, said while you checked your phone.
"Hmmm, I guess we can order it. Since ya know...we can't leave the house." You say as you walk into the living room, (Y/B/N) trailing behind you.
"Wanna watch our favorite movie? (F/m)?" He asks as he turns on the tv
"Well duh!" You say in a playful tone flopping onto the other side of the couch.
He puts on your favorite movie and sits up on the other side of the couch.

°•°•°•°After a good thirty minutes later, you have food arrived and you were both full. You continued to watch the movie, you were so into the movie that you didn't realize that both of you were now leaning on each other. It wasn't after the movie ended, (Y/B/N) realized the weight of you sleeping on his shoulder.
A tiny of pink dusted his cheeks, but he soon calmed down and snuggled comfortably next to you and drifted off to sleep soon after.


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