Interesting Woman (pt.2)

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   You continued to wait around, checking the clock ever so slightly.
"How long will this take...? I can't eat food all-day ya know!" You crossed your arms before sipping some more champagne.
"Will you always be this childish (Y/N)?" Tom sighed through the earpiece audibly annoyed.
"It's only been five minutes, calm down." He reassured you, but all that came from you was a hum and the sound of more food being taken from the table.
"Woah Tom look! They have fries! And a chocolate fountain!" You squealed, running towards another food table.
"Ugh somethings never really change..."

"Hey! What's with that outfit!? Do you comprehend that this event is formal?" A woman suddenly yelled you turned to see an angry old woman staring down at you... Actually, more like your spy suit.
"U-um I was previously on a mission before I came here... I didn't have any time to change." You time her, all she did was stick up her nose in disgust.
"I didn't even think that Army Leaders could even partake in such low acts!" She stated, pointing her long finger at you.
'And I didn't know that someone as old as you are a leader at all...' You glared at the woman holding your twisted words.
"I'm truly sorry for interrupting this wonderful discussion. But mother, you seem to be needed elsewhere right this moment." A blonde man tapped, who seemed to be his mother, on her shoulder.
"Ah, son! I'm terribly sorry, this was your big day and here I am, ruining it again." She turned around with an apologetic look.
"Wow, she changed fast..." You mumbled towards Tom. He hummed in response.
"It's fine mother, just try to stay out of trouble." And with that, the woman left. Causing you to sigh with relief.
"Thanks. I'm sorry for causing you any trouble sir..." You looked up at the man to see the same man you saw before!
"Ah, it's no problem, really! My mother has been a bit tense lately ever since my father passed and I became Leader." He laughed, holding out his arm for you to hold.
"Tell me about yourself, unlike all the other women here... You intrigued me." He claimed, smiling down at you.
"Ah well...." You dragged on, hoping they Tom would help you out.
"Your name is Jewel. Just Jewel. You are the co-leader of the Jem Army. You were asked to come instead of the actual leader, In suspicion, he might be assassinated. " Tom explained.
"I'm Jewel..." Was all you said to the blonde. In fear that too many lies would lead to a problem.
"What an extraordinary name! I'm Nash, the leader of the Golden Army." He looked at you with anticipation, asking you for more details about yourself.
"Umm... I'm from the Jem Army. Although I'm not an exact leader, just a backup sent here to support." You reached out for another table, picking up two marshmallows on sticks.
"Here you want one? There are food fountains over there." You motioned to the table full of fountains.
As you walked over with Nash, he nervously laughed.
"You might find this silly... But I've actually never tried a food fountain before." You turned to look at him and smiled.
"Don't worry, I'll give you some recommendations." You dipped your stick into the chocolate fountain. And turned towards Nash.
"Here, try this one. It's just the basics." You looked at him with a sweet face, holding up the chocolate-dipped marshmallow to his mouth. Hesitantly, he opened his mouth, almost afraid of the outcome.
"...Woah, this is... Wow." He gasped at the taste and smiled like a little four-year-old.
"We must try out all of these fountains! Grap as much food as you can Jewel!" And with that, you both tried out all the food at the party. You both giggled childishly when trying out new flavors. But it all had to come to an end with the buzz of your watches once it hit 10:43.
"Ah! I must go, sorry!" You both announced at the same exact time.
You looked at each other for a second, a blush rising on both of your cheeks.
"Oh u-um yeah... I'll be over there now haha, good luck on your speech!" You yelled out to him while you both ran the opposite directions.
You played with your watch a bit, finding the location of Nash's office. Once it beamed green you looked in the direction of the crowd and slowly snuck off.

"I'm really sorry Nash..."


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