Lights out for a demon!

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---An hour later: 7:50 p.m---
He laid there knocked out from when I slammed the door open in his face. His brother was going to KILL me when he returned with my upset parents. I then drag him into my room by his shoes. Holy hell was he heavy! "Geez cup what do you eat! bricks!?!" I say out loud but go no response.
I sat him on the chair that was nearby and took a look at the lump that was forming. "Oh thats gonna hurt when he wakes up." I say as the palace door slammed opened. "BENJAMIN LUCIOUS DEMON! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!" My father yells from his location angrier then he's ever been. I let out a sigh an walked to the court yard. "I'll be back cuppy.." I doubted myself because knowing Satan himself....I was gonna get punished.
"Did you honesty think that I wouldn't notice your absense!" My father roared at me as I got slapped across the face. "No I thought it was fine to leave YOUR boring ass meeting early!" I snapped at him which he wasn't to fond of. "I didn't ask for a smartass comment ya little shit." He said coldy as I held my own.

"EXCUSE ME! I'm sorry if I act the way I do! I wasn't raised in hell remember!" I shouted getting a fight brewing. "My lords maybe this isn't the t-time nor place for this!" Mugman shouts but it was far too late.
I then punch my father in the face. "LeTs gO OlD mAn~" I say in a demonic voice and it was on.
------9:45 p.m.---
I soon woke up from being hit in the face by the door. " head!" I looked around noticed that I was in bendy's room with a headche and a huge lump. "How did I get here?" I asked myself and looked for bendy. "Bendy you in here?"

I get up from the chair and looked all over the large room. I noticed the door was still standing wide open and went outside the room. "Where could he be?" I mummbled to myself as I went down the hallway and heard yelling.
I was then in the corridor watching bendy and father have their brawl. Both dice and Mugman were trying to separate them but was a fail. Mugman soon noticed my presence and smiled. I was standing their like a lost child who found a toy as Mug came running over.

"The heaven happened!" I ask my brother who explained that these two got in a fight. "Help me get them separated! Satan is gonna kill him if he keeps going." Mugman said in a panicked voice as I sared at bendy. "STOP IT BENDY!" I shout grabbing his attention while he was holding his fathers fist back.

"CuPhEaD?" Bendy was then sucker punched across the room by Satan who was laughing his tail off. "LEARN YOUR PLACE LITTLE SHIT!" He yells as me and mugs run over to him. Bendy was covered in cuts to the face and down. His eyes were shutting. "Keep them open you hear me!" I ordered as he melted into his normal form.

I then picked him up and rushed into the infirmary. I wanted to blast his fathers head right off his fucking shoulders in that moment. Bendy was taken from me by the nurse as I had a scary look to my face. "c...uppy!" He weakly shouts while the nurse takes him the room.

Mugman glanced over to me as I made a fist. "I'm gonna kill him" I said repeatedly trying to control my anger. "Calm down..." My brother had me in his arms trying to make me calm.
2 hours had passed and the nurse came out. "Cuphead?" She looks at me and my sleeping brother. "He wants to see you." She said with sass which I didn't care for an went in the room.

There Bendy was bandaged everywhere from head down as I entered the room. He instantly noticed me and started to tear up. "Cuppy...." He choked out as I walked to his bed and sat beside him. "Sh its okay" I pull him into a gentle hug while he started crying.

"Its gonna be okay bendy." I wipe his inky tears out of his good eye and smiled. I then caressed his bandaged back gently as he slowly calmed down. He looked at me while I'm doing this and started to cry again.

"I suck" Bendy said with a saden tone making me notice and smile. "No you don't your father does...I'm gonna rip his head off and put on a plaq for ya." I tried to lighten the mood which didn't work.

"How?" He asks while I pull him closer to me. "With you by my side the entire time and that holy sword your friend gave ya." I smirked and planted a small kiss on his forehead.

prince bendy: 1 "Back to futures hell"Where stories live. Discover now