On the surface!

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We jumped out of the window and took a look around. Everything was the same but it still so nice and beautiful. "Hey can you walk?" Cuphead asks as I nod. "Yes I can." He sets me down and holds out his hand with a blush to his face. "Wanna show me around while were at it?" I agree and take his hand make our way to a palor.
Cuphead kept gazing at me then to a new object. It was kind of cute to say the least. almost as if this was a date. "Hey Cuphead?" I ask while walking closer to him closing the space between us. He glances over to me with a smile to his face. "yeah?" He asks curiously as ever.

"When you kill my father...promise me you'll visit me any chance you get." I looked down not wanting him to see my face. "Why when I could see you all the time when we become a cou....I-I mean when you have a chance!!" He stuttered out while blushing.

"become a what?" I asked with a smirk poking him with my free hand. "N-Nothing!...Hehe.." He looked away rubbing the back of his head. "You know...I've been thinking....its already been three weeks and I already like you a-a lot." I confessed with a smile.
"I mean your like a star in my lonely world. Everything I ever need. smart, brave, kind and sweet!" Laying my head on his shoulder as he blushed. "Who could ask more for a person like you Cup." I say as we sat on a bench. He grabbed my cheek. Cupping it into his hand while l blushed. "Your...my one and only!" Our faces soon had a little space left.
Did he just confess his feelings towards me!?!?! Oh god what do I do!! I cupped his cheek into my hand pulling ever so closer to my face until was a little amount of space. "Your..my one and only!" He says with a smile making this harder for me not to kiss him. "Bendy...your absolutely right." Bendys lips collided with mine and it happened. We were kissing!!! My heart was pounding out of my chest.

I was overjoyed that he felt the same way that words couldn't express it. He broke away with a smile as I felt my lips a few moments later. "I love you cuphead. please say you love me back?" He placed his hands on mine and blushed. "I..." I couldn't find the words just yet so I smirked and made his lips meet mine once more but made it longer.
When we broke away I smiled more than I ever could. "Bendy Your my one only from now on." I pecked him on the lips and picked him up; twirling him around.

He was finally mine. all mine! we then headed to the ice cream palor when bendy noticed three people running the stand. "Uncle Henry!?!?" Bendy calls out to the angel who was cleaning the table.

"Bendy!?" He jumps from the counter and rushes over to us, taking bendy away from me and pulls him to a hug. "We thought you were gone for good!" His uncle says worriedly as he soon notices me. "Nope I was...brought back to hell by father..." Bendy looks down then looks at me as well. "and who's this charming man?~" He asks curiously while getting a good look at me. "I'm cuphead. his new boyfriend!" I said with a blush.

"Boyfriend eh? when did ya snag him?" Another angel apears with a smirk. "Today!!" Bendy squealed happily running over to me and hugs me. "What happened to yer face?" His other uncle asks. "A week ago...father me and got into a fight" ----
I was sitting in the boothe while bendy talked to his relatives. Their was wolf with me as well and seemed to know bendy. he looked younger than him and somewhat scarier than him. "Your dating my brother huh?" the wolf said in a stern and sharp voice. "Y-yes!" I said nervously as he grew a dark look and grabbed me by the collar. "Break his heart and I kill ya".
I ordered me and cups ice cream when I overheard my brother boris threaten cuphead. "Boris leave my boyfriend alone!" I said without turning to them. I glanced over them and saw acting nice.
When the food arrived; I took both cups and went to the boothe sitting beside cuphead. "Got your favorite!" I placed my head on his shoulder and began to eat mine. Cuphead places his arm over my shoulder and smirks. "Wanna try mine?" He said holding his spoon of his flavour. which was bananana berry twist. "sure" He placed the spoon in my mouth and ate the ball of ice cream.

It was really good. "Wow my uncles sure know how to mix it up!" I comment and gave him a spoonfull of mine which was chocolate mint.

prince bendy: 1 "Back to futures hell"Where stories live. Discover now