Going to the surface~

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A week flew by and bendy could officially leave the infirmary. I went down to the room saying hi to all the nurses and then saw bendy on crutches due to his broken leg. "Ready to go my leage!~" I said picking him up bridal style and had one of the nurses to follow me. "Aaaw" A few of them say as bendy nods. "lets go!" He chirps happily and we head off.
As we enter his newly decorated room. I cover his eyes. "why do you have to cover my eyes?" He asks oh so curiously which only made me smile.

(what his room looks like~)"Because I have a surprise for you!" I said entering the room and placing him on his new bed

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(what his room looks like~)
"Because I have a surprise for you!" I said entering the room and placing him on his new bed. "Can I look now?" He ask and I tell him yes. I remove hands and let him see the newly painted and reorganized room. He was mindblown. "Y-you did this!?!?" Bendy was on the verge of tears when he looked at me. "With some help yes I did." I said proudly as he pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Cuppy!"
I patted the seat next to me hoping he sit with me but couldn't due to my father making him work OVERTIME due him missing a week of it. "Please?" I used an old trick that never fails; Puppy dog eyes. He resisted for a few moments but I won him over. "Alright I'll stay for a few minutes then your coming with me cu..Bendy!" He sits beside me and I lay on him. He was now my personal comfort zone and pillow. I let out a happy sigh as he pats my head carefully due to my eye still being wrapped.
-- --
Cuphead grabbed my crutches and helped me up and we made our way to the casino. I stuck to his side like glue because he wanted me to. "Glad to see you getting better my lord." Mugman says with a smile as he was carrying a tray of food on his head and arms. "Thanks muggy!" I said and followed cuphead.

everyone stared at me and noticing the state I was in, making little whispers then going back to game. It was weird. "Alright I need you to stay here for a moment. I gotta take this to a table. If you do I'll buy ya a drink of your choice." Cuphead said leaving me alone as I leaned on the wall watching patrons come in out of the casino, winning and loosing games or buying drinks.

I watched Cuphead make his way to the table as fast as he could as people were bumping into me. Some apologized and some didn't. One guy actually managed to make me fall over to where I couldn't get up. "Oh sorry there I didn't see you....Bendy is that you." That voice was TOO familiar. It was none other than my psycho ex sammy. I backed away as quickly a possible. "Here let me help you up." He offers his hand but I refuse.

"n-no I g-got it" I said clinging to the wall for support and tried to pull myself up and did. I then grab my crutches and move not saying a word to him.
I told mugman to tell cuphead I was over by the slots machine due to a certain someone and immediately came over. "You alright?" he asks ever so worriedly. "Y-yeah just ran into someone I thought left..." I let out a sigh as he handed me a glass of water which I refused. "Your offer..I wanna change it?" I said sternly with a smirk printed to my face.

"And what do you request?" He asks curiously and sets the glass down. "You still owe me ice cream remember. and since hell doesn't have any. I thought we could go to the s u r f a c e and get some!" I said with a blush.
I knew thats what he was gonna go for and I nodded. "alright then but I'll have to go on break and you'll have to make clones!" I said cleverly and held out my hand. He shook it and I finished the rest of my shift.
Bendy came out of his room in new clothing which made him look hot....I-I mean nice. He looks around to make sure no-one saw us and pulled me into the room. I started working on the pentagram he grabbed something. "You ready?" I ask as he jumps into my arms and we hop into it.

We come out of it into his room on te surface. Holy hell i missed it up here. I stared out the window taking in everything. The surface was beautiful!! Bendy pulls my sleeve soon later with a chuckle. "C'mon you goof!" I open the window and we jump out.

prince bendy: 1 "Back to futures hell"Where stories live. Discover now