Getting to know you

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We sat the clone in the chair and sat there waiting for him return. I grab a deck of cards and held it to him. "Wanna play cards?" Mugs stares at me and nods. "Sure."

I set the deck out and hand him half. "Wanna go first" We each take seen cards and sits on the couch and play for 45 minutes
"I win!!" I yell making him throw the deck at me. "Man I missed this." I say as I fall to the floor. "Yeah...hey Cuphead. Sorry for calling you those horrible things." Mugs says with a sigh and helped me up. He then places his hand on my wrapped eye. "Bro its fine. I should have told you my plan before." We stare at each other and smile. "I..." Out of nowhere bendy pops out of the pentagram getting ink over us. "I'm back.......was I interupting something?~" He jokes as mugs removes his hands.

"...NO!" be both say as he laughs. "okay mind if I steal cuphead for a while?" Bendy asks and I nod. He grabs my hand and runs to his room.

I ran towards my room as quick as I could taking cuphead along with me avoiding everyone in my way. I could say I was faster than a regualr demon.
We got to my room and cuphead was already out of it. "W-warn me next T-time will ya." He said as he fell to the floor. I chuckled as I picked him up and took him the room.
After cuphead was fine I smiled widely and grabbed the bag from the puddle. "whatcha got there boss-man?" I pull the bag open to reveal a bunch of potions and weapons. "oh you know. WEAPONS. for training" I say as the card guard walks past the door as I get up and close the door.

"Training?...oh right training!" He says with a wink as the guard walks away. "So, Bendy...wanna talk?" I ask out of nowhere as he hides the weapons. "sure why?" Bendy he looks at me with curiousity. "Because I wanna....get to know ya better if your gonna stay with us for a month and all." He rubs the back of his neck with a blush to his face.

"Alright...whaddya want to know?" I say with a smile as he looks at me. "Do ya like flowers?" He asks shyly. "Yes I do...I like blue roses." -----

We spent an hour talking about what I like and out of nowhere he asks me something causing me to blush. "Do you have a crush or a boy/friend? I-I mean..." I sigh as he asks this. Of course not...I don't I had one before my...."No......not anymore at least." I used have a girlfriend not to long but she dumped me due to being a demon. Then I had a boyfriend know....(#sammylarence cuz I can) "Yes and no. Anyways my turn to ask you"
"Ask away..." I said with a smile as he wiped away his inky tears. "Are you into guys?" He asks I get flustered. "....I-I..maybe.." I look away as he chuckles. From there we spent a good 20 minutes talking.
"So what made want to come to the casino...before you wanted to overthrow my father." I stare at him letting out a sigh. "...I just...when I was little and mugs was only a baby. The thought of that damned casino would be there. I just had a feeling thats where I needed to be. Elder Kettle would always warn me never to go but yet here I am...heh" I let out with a sigh rubbing my arm.
"So..he placed sublinimal messages in your head as a child!?! oh that no good..." Bendy said furiously grabbing a pillow and punching it. "Yeah I guess you could say that...but I always avoided it until I was 13...which wasn't too long ago...the urge just got to me..."

"My father has no soul.....He MuSt Be PuNiShEd~" Bendy started to drip ink down the side of his face and laughing. "chill my...bendy We'll bring him down soon~" Bendy lets out a yawn as I stare out his window.

"I should go now, I'll see you in the morning. My lord." I watch as he falls asleep on his bed and couldn't help but wonder why he was so fucking adorable.
Cup: *grabs bendy* This is mine and I ain't shairing
Author-kun- Can I have it~?
Cup: NO ITS MINE! FAK OFF *runs away with bendy on his shoulders*
Author-kun- ......

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