Interview #1 - Jane4Fox ♥

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J A K E - A N D - J A N E

What inspires you to be a writer?

Jake: Jane Jane: Jake

How long have you been on Wattpad?

Jane since 14 January 2014 and Jake since somewhere in May...

When did you started writing?

Jane: I write story ever since I can talk, even before I was able to write. I always told stories that I made up myself. I've always loved stories. How though I'm not a big fan of reading... I think I started posting stories on Wattpad in March 2014.

Jake: I'm more a fan of reading than writing. Jane showed me Wattpad and I was suddenly in love with it and started to write stories together with Jane.

What book are you currently working on?

-'We can share?' a 5sos fanfiction.

-'Heroes and Idiots' also a 5sos fanfiction. WCS is almost done, H&I just started :) we update a lot (just saying ;) )

Summary of the story & link to it : (link can be found at EXTERNAL LINK & BELOW) 

-We can share?:

-Heroes and Idiots: (This story is based on the 5 seconds of summer music video of 'don't stop')

Summary was too long, sorry.

Genre of the story :

All fanfiction! WCS? is a romantic story, H&I too but its also a bit detective, crime, ... But to make them not too boring, we put some good humour in it :)

How many reads does the story have?

-WCS?: 1.011  -H&I: 181

What inspired you to write that story?

For both the stories I think we agree that its mostly 5sos that inspires us, I mean, they're very 'interesting' ;)

Advice you want to give to the people here on Wattpad?

Jane: Breathe. Its very important. Jake: uuuuhm love ya? Be yourself, don't let haters get to you, everyone is perfect but no one is perfect ... That stuff :) oh and read. Its healthy!

So basically our advice is read and breathe.

Do you know me here on wattpad? My works? My account?

Duuuuuh! We love you Rachel!! Jane: Jesus, Jake is fangirling over here. Jake: OMG OF COURSE I AM! Oh and Rachel, keep strong :)

P.S Thanks Jake for fangirling over me, lmao and I love you both very much !

-Rac :D

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