chapter 17

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Once I landed in another place, I had no idea where I was

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Once I landed in another place, I had no idea where I was. I was in a dark alley and all I have was a bag with a Vongola crest and my name written on it. I did not think that I brought anything with me before I was transferred. I rummaged that bag to look for any clues and I saw an ID card and a phone. The photo of a woman in the ID card looked so much like me but older than my own age. I grew even more confused and I decided to check the phone instead. It was locked with a password but I could see the current date and time on top of the screen.

The date and time were the same, but the year was different. Ten years apart from the current year.

"N-no this the future world??"

I wished it was a dream. It was just a dream. There was no way I got lost in the future world.

I stood up and I walked out from the alley to see where I had landed.

There were a lot of apartment buildings and it was still afternoon. If I was not mistaken, my apartment was somewhere around this area. I could sigh with relief and I wanted to go home. It was a dream after all.

Though I was not entirely sure about that bag with my name on it.

I picked it up and I took it with me, heading back to my apartment. However, the area seemed to feel so silent and hostile. Since when Namimori became an unsafe place to stay?

"Oh, my. Is that you, [Name]?"

I turned around and I saw an elderly woman standing in front of her apartment door. She was about to leave to buy some groceries and she was slightly surprised to see me. I knew her because she was the one who taught my mother to cook some nice dishes.

"Kaede-san, are you going to buy something?" I asked while smiling at her.

"Indeed I am," she replied. "I could not believe my own eyes to see that you look much younger than before. But dear, what are you doing here?"

"I'm on my way home. Is there anything wrong?"

"Home? I thought you are staying with your fiancee."

I was stunned and I went speechless for a few minutes. I was so sure that I did not hear wrongly. Who the hell was my fiancee? I was only a middle school student!

"W-what do you mean by...s-staying with my fiancee, Kaede-san?" I gave my most awkward smile.

"You don't remember?" she gasped with shock. "A few months ago, you were engaged with someone important and you already moved out from your apartment. Which makes me wonder why would you come back here again."

"Really? Kaede-san, perhaps I have trouble with my own memories. Could you please tell me who is my fiancee?"

The elderly woman was about to answer when she saw something that made her eyes grew wider with fear. Without saying anything, she quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me back into her apartment. She told me to keep quiet and closed the door tightly. I sat against the door and I could hear some voices from outside.

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