chapter 25

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I never thought of getting involved with the Choice battle and Reborn mentioned that it would be a waste as I was able to fight as good as Tsuna and others

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I never thought of getting involved with the Choice battle and Reborn mentioned that it would be a waste as I was able to fight as good as Tsuna and others. With the older Dino's arrival in the Vongola's secret base, we were able to start with the training for the Choice battle. 

The training was meant for Tsuna and his guardians as they had received their new box weapons from Irie Shouichi and they needed to learn how to use it. Especially after Tsuna opened his box weapon in the wrong way, causing him to nearly got eaten by a monster. 

"Alright, [Name]. Since you have the Cloud Flames, would it be alright if I train you along with Hibari Kyoya?"

The boys flinched with shock and they were looking at me with worry.

"Are you sure this is the right idea to put her and him in the same group?" Gokudera asked curiously.

"Octopus-head is right. Hibari is not that easy to deal with," senior Ryohei added.

"I don't find it a problem at all since both of them are already-"

Reborn gave a harsh kick across his face to shut his mouth. He knew I was not ready to tell them about me and that skylark.

"No need for more details. Shall we continue with our plans?"

The older Dino soon arranging their training. Tsuna would be alone to learn how to open his box weapon correctly. Gokudera would be the one to teach senior Ryohei and Lambo to use their box weapon while Chrome would follow Bianchi and I-Pin to help to improve her illusion skills. 

Yamamoto was the only one who was not allowed to use his new box weapon until his unknown trainer arrive. 

"I wonder who will be the one to train you. I'm really curious," I spoke to him and I realised that we did not have a proper conversation.

"Me too. Tsuna and others can get to open their boxes but not me," he grinned. "Maybe I'll need to practice more with my sword skills."

"I'm nervous for the upcoming battle. Honestly, I don't feel like I want to participate."

"It's going to be fine, [Name]. You're pretty strong, you know. Even Dino decided to train you and Hibari together."

"Just because we have the same flames."

The meeting dismissed and the older Dino was waiting for me to follow him. I was looking around at the training area before I turned to look at him.

"Sorry, I'll catch up with you later. I need to do something at here."

He was curious for first and he left the room. I stood for a few seconds as my eyes were looking at the wall.

"I know you're hiding there. Kyoko, Haru."

The girls had been hiding behind the walls like a ninja expert and I was the only one who noticed their presence during the meeting. They were not satisfied since the boys had been keeping lots of secrets from them and they wanted to know more about the mafia stuff.

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