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Kaden Parker walked across the stage. He never thought this day would come. Graduation. His family yelling calling his name, making as much noise as they can. Kaden shook his head as he walked, with a smile on his face. After getting his diploma he made his way back to his sit.

He zone out after that. Soon they where throwing their hats in the air. He hugged some of his friends and shook some of his teachers hand. They wishing him luck with whatever he plans to do. After saying he's good byes to everyone, he made his way to his family.

His father Edgar, with his boyfriend and his second dad Luke Walker, his new granddad Charles Walker, long with his brother Liam whom was holding little Charles and his husband Alec whom was holding Sonny.

Kaden smiled more remembering the day they adopted the twins. Liam was freaking out the whole time. Alec was cool about the whole thing. Alec decide that he wanted to be a stay at home dad while Liam worked, even though now a day he works from home unless a meeting.

Once Kaden made it to his family he took Sonny from Alec. He kissed the top of his head getting a little giggle from him. "How does it feel to be part of the real world now?" Liam asked him. "Haha funny. I been part of the real world for a while now." Kaden said. Kaden has been working in the mail room at his brother company and deliver mail to people.

"I know." Liam said. He pulled his brother into a hug. "I'm proud of you son." Edgar said as he pulled his son into hug. "Thanks dad." Kaden said as they pulled away. " I'm proud of you to." Luke said as he pulled him into a hug. After they pulled apart Alec took Sonny from Kaden since everyone wanted to hug him.

Everyone made there way to their cars and head home. Edgar, Luke, and Charles had a barbecue plan to celebrate Kaden graduation. Kaden invited his close friends and their families. The barbecue is at Edgar and Luke house.

Once there Kaden made his way up to his room to change. After Liam and Alec brought Sonny and Charles home, Kaden moved in with his dad's, until he starts college. After changing Kaden made his way to the backyard. He's friends where already there. Kaden made his way to Sam.

Sam Corbell and Kaden have been friends since they where babies. Their mothers where friends so they thought they should be friends to. Sam is also going to be Kaden roommate. "Hey man." Kaden said when he reach him. "Hey." Sam said then hugged him. "Happy to be out of that hell hole?" Sam asked as he handed Kaden a drank. "Yes. No more getting yelled at for falling a sleep in History class." Kaden said. Sam and Kaden talked about the funny moments they had in school.

Soon Kaden other friends made it. Harri Jarrell became Kaden friend in middle school when they got into a fight. After having to write a paper about one another they end up becoming friends.

Jether Galton and Marty Buckel where the new kids that moved to town their sophomore year. Sam asked them if they wanted to sit with them at lunch. After that day they where part of the group. Zeke Abram became part of the group when he started dating Jether.

They all talked and laugh about how they meet, what they did. Sadly Harri and Marty are going to colleges father away. It two hours away. So they had plans to meet up when they can. They end up falling a sleep in the backyard. 

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