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The first week of school seem to go by slowly for Kaden. He only got lost once on his first day, that's cause they moved one of his classes at the lat minute other then that college life is going okay. Sam and Kaden hardly get to see each other and their other friends. The worst part Sam and Kaden are roommates,

Kaden was walking back to the dorms. He walked to Subway that's close the college for dinner and get some work done. After all its Friday and it hard to tell where parties going on. Kaden wanted to do was get work done and get some sleep after the first week of college.

Liam text to let Kaden know that he don't have to work the weekend since his first week is going to be hell. Kaden was happy about that. Before Kaden even open the doors you can hear the music blasting from every where. When he did open the door people filed the halls with cups in hand dancing or making out.

Kaden finally made it to his room to which is the only one on their floor with the door still close. He open the door to see Sam on his bed with headphones on and his books all around him with a notebook in his lap and a pen between his lips. Kaden walked over to him and places his sub that Kaden had gotten for him in front of him.

Sam looked up as Kaden walked over to his own bed. "Thanks." Sam said. " No problem. How long have this parties be going on?" Kaden asked. "Too long if you asked me." Sam said. Kaden unpacked what work he didn't get done on his bed. Sam was eating his sub.

As the night went on music got louder, people got louder. To their surprise Sam and Kaden got their work done now they are laying on their beds looking up at the ceiling. " Harri and Marty are coming don if they haven't already for that free style race thing that they are into." Sam told Kaden. " Motocross" Kaden said.

"Yeah that. They asked the rest of the group to come along." Sam said. " When is it?"

Kaden asked. " Tomorrow. We're going to meet them at the café on Cherry Ave. around seven." Sam said. " Well in that case we better try and get some sleep." Kaden said. Sam turn the light out.

The next morning Sam, Jether, Zeke and Kaden some how dragged themselves out of bed, shower, dress and made their way to the café. Harri and Marty where standing outside the café with cups in hand. " You all look like you need this." Marty said as Harri and him passed out cups. " Yeah everyone decide to throw a party at the same time." Zeke said as he took a sip of his coffee.

" Know what you mean. When Marty and I left our last class of the day people started throwing parties." Harri said. They made their way to Marty truck. It took about twenty minutes. Harri and Marty lead the way to what they call the god spot.

The race was about to started. Madison pushed his bike to the starting line. A few others where already there. After a moment the rest of the racers where at the line. Bikers had the engines started. The gun went off the racers where off.

Madison was in the lead every now and then he would do a tick to gain some points. He was on his last lap two more turns to the finish line when he saw a good looking guy standing on the side of the track he almost ran into the bank. He stopped himself.

After the race Madison made his way to his truck. He was looking down at his phone when he bumped into someone. He looked up to see the guy from the side of the track. Kaden and his friends where making their way to the truck when Kaden bumped into someone. " Sorry." Kaden said. The guy looked up. " Your Madison Sanders." Marty said.

Madison was looking at Kaden. Then he turn to Marty. "Yeah." Madison said. " Can we get a picture with you?' Harri asked. " Yeah sure" Madison said. The group got around Madison. Kaden was close to Madison Harri took the pictures. They thanked Madison for his time and made their way to the truck.

Kaden can feel Madison watching him. They had dinner together before Marty and Harri head back to school. Kaden went back to his and Sam room. While the others went their own way. Kaden couldn't get Madison out of his head. Madison layed in his bed thinking of the boy/man he saw at the track.

His phone went off pulling him out of his thoughts. " What?" Madison asked. " Coming out tonight man?" His friend asked. " No." Madison said. " Come on man." He said. " No." Madison said again them hung up on him. All Madison want to do was fall asleep and dream of the boy/man whom name he don't know.      

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