Party Like Porn Stars

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"I wanted you to sit here because you are new, and I would really like to know you better." He twiddle a yellow pencil between his fingers. He leaned back crossing his arms, the muscles showing through the leather.

She bit her lip gingerly. I must say if you were in his head you would be feeling the pull he had for her. His pupils got dark as his large hand rested in her forest of light hair. He pulled it gently, slowly like handling a small animal. Her eyes got huge and her lips parted slightly, he tugged her towards his face. His mint breath swallowing her face in warmth. His wolf howled in his to smash their lips together. But she whimpered.

It was not animal like, it was a plead; plan and simple she was scarred. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." He fumbled over his words quickly removing his hand, her hand quickly rubbed the spot his hand was at. "Um, so anyway there is  a party tonight at my place, do you wanna come?" He combed his curls back. I grinned from my spot, oh these two.

She was flustered, "Alright class," The teacher began, now Hades was so uncomfortable. He did not know what he was doing, saying or thinking all was on her. Her ragged breathes during lecture had him memorized. He slid her a wrinkled half sheet with his address and a time, she held it in her small hands. He winked and walked out mid class, the teacher had nothing to say. The girl however was left fully confused, and wondering what happened.

Let me tell you about this girl, she was not just any girl. But what did you suspect coming from the mate of Hades, the Hell Hound himself. Her eyes a green, an piercing green she is rather pale with freckles you would think she is pretty innocent. You would be completely right on that. But she tried too hide it, she bleached and dyed her  hair most of the time. Her natural color was a deep brown, she was rather tinny. Never being able to break 110 that was with muscle mass tho. She was weak, fragile but what she lacked she came back with her quick tongue.

She sighed deeply feeling her shoulders slump when Hades left, she thumbed over the piece of paper. She had never been invited to parties, and on this day, in these halls. She tasted the cannabis, she felt it bubble in her veins. No other school smelled so rank of it. Too her it was like coffee, there was nothing else on this planet like drinking coffee, or smoking cigarettes. She went to her locker before lunch.

The scrambled over the weathering paint, it crinkled and fell to the floor. The lockers were that accent blue of the building. She gather what lunch she had, she had gathered an eating disorder a few years back and when she got nervous she felt no need to eat. She still tried, and today's meal was a container of cold mac  & cheese.  With the fogged plastic and a fork she sat down at an empty picnic table.

On that day the sky was painting carefully, the clouds were stretched like long, thin branches. The blue of the sky was like dumped Caribbean ocean. Her nose twitched, there was that smell again. She was never one to do drugs, but by her looks you would imagine the opposite. She pulled out her phone to text her roommate how things were going, she knew Ali would most likely not reply for another hour. She felt weight on the table, her head jerked to the table.

"Hey did you get hurt?" The boy said, he had that fuckboy hair cut, but all she could think about was Hades.

"What?" Her mouth went dry she felt on edge with all the males she had met today.

"Cause you fell down from heaven!" He fist bumped the boy next to him, there was also another girl. "My name is Kyle, but they call me Demon." His eyes seemed to sparkle when he spoke it. "Ever partied like a porn star?"

"UM-" She breathed out.

"Demon, do not be so crude!" The girl huffed, she had manicured nails and curled hair. "I'm Micky, what is your name?"

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