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Hades hadn't slept a wink he groaned and kicked the bookshelf making it rattle. He had spent the night trying to find out how he got a human mate, and how in the world could he get a mate. By all means he didn't deserve one, was the Moon Goddess playing tricks on him. He roared shaking the walls. Micky walked in and sat down at one of the brown chairs in his office.

She looked like a warm shower would do her some good. "What is up?" She kicked up her black boots. She popped her pink gum, and smiled

"It doesn't make sense! I can't have a mate, nor a human mate!" Hades said.

"She is human? There is no way, the moongoddess must not like you!" She giggled. "Demon is awake and he pissed himself, so he is showering." Hades nodded. "What do we do with Perry then?"

"Let her go. I need time to think." He dismissed her with a wave.


Perry awoke her head pounding like a hammer. She was in her own bed, and she suddenly didn't remember anything at all. She gulped down water, it soaked her throat. Sighing, she lifted her head to the rising sun. She was in PJ's but she was sure, she didn't put them. She held the large shirt to her nose, she inhaled deeply. Her heart sang a tune, it was his shirt. No doubt her mind. She barely remembers going to that party. It bothered her deeply to be confused, and it made her nose crinkle.

She looked at her clock, it's glaring red lights red. Six am. Ugh. She was up early too early, but she had to get up for school. She ever so slowly stepped to the closet, and finally found a hoodie and leggings. The hoodie had a skeleton rib cage on it. She shuffled her feet into combat black boots, into the kitchen. She found a note.

     Hey you! I'm at a guy's house here's coffee, you'll need it.

Just like her, she smiled at the warm Starbucks. She ate a small cold, breakfast and made her way slowly to school. She pulled in and parked, her eyelids were heavy. But she carefully walked into the building. She made it to her locker, the whole time she was thinking of him. Her fingers felt like glass, about to break at any point. Her head was stilling hitting inside of her skull, it almost seemed to thump. "Ugh!" She huffed.

"Need help?" Demon asked.

"You scared me!" She whispered yelled.

He eyed her, he was studying her. As per Hades request, if he got too close he would only get sucked in. But they needed to learn more about her. Hades had also asked him to see if the drugs were wearing off okay.

She stumbled a little bit, and Demon stuck out his arm. But she got onto her feet right. "What are you doing here anyway?" She asked.

"Oh, you know just checking on the party guests." He answered.

"Then why don't you talk to that guy, he was there last night." She pointed to the guy who was the bar tender.

"Heyo! How are you my dude?" Demon asked the guy.

The guy raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine," The guy then just walked away down the hall.

"Now if you could excuse me, I have to get to class." She almost fell on her face, it obvious the drugs were still in her. Demon was silently watching.  "Woah," She held her small hand to her head. It was buzzing and causing a lot of pain.

"You don't look so good Perry." Demon said, walking beside her.

"Look, I am fine. I refuse to go to one of those parties again." She clutched her books.

"Why that's didn't you have fun?" He asked.

"I don't remember half of it, and I woke up in someone else's clothes." She said.

"Oh? Do you know who's clothes?" He asked.

"I think, it is Hades?" She frowned. "It smells like his." Demon didn't know what to think about this, it wasn't like Hades to act like this at all.

Perry got into class and slid to the back row. The hours passed like thick mud, and lunch rolled around. But once again she didn't have anyone to sit next too, she she quietly sat outside under the tree. The sky looked knitted with clouds, of grey and white. Who knows maybe it will rain. She stuffed her nose into homework while trying her hardest to get her head to calm down. The wind rose with her breaths, and it danced through her hair. Giving little cold kisses as it went.

Without warning Demon sat down next her. Handing her a warm sandwich from the cafe.  "Oh thank you." She began eating it in, small mouthfuls.

Hades had an ear piece in Demon's ear. "Talk to her about what she remembers of last night." Hades said.

"So Perry, can I call you PP?" She frowned. "What do you remember from last night?"

"I remember being drunk off my ass, and having very strong feelings for Hades. Most of the truth and dare game, I have no idea about. A lot of blacking out, and then I was in my bed." She sighed. "Also my head will not stop bugging me today."

"Yeah me too actually I got that blackness thing too." Demon said.

Demon's head shot up to look forward. He was starring at two glowing eyes, who echoed truths. He let out a deep growl. "I'm sorry I need to go." He ran out of sight. Perry sat there so confused, did he just growl and how was he so fast?

She felt like she was being watched but brushed it off and went inside.


Hades was soon beside Demon in the woods. "Who was that?" Demon asked. The pack Cerberus had such a bad rep, no one would dare come on their land.

"He smells like a rouge and there, is only one I know of who would do that." He sighed. "Kronus,"

Kronus is not Hades father in this story, but like in the Greek tellings is an enemy.  Kronus was a fearless Rouge, who needed no one, but killed for sport. He caused wars, and turmoil. He killed Hades father, but Hades had beat the shit out of him for it. Yet here Kronus returns, maybe for a true battle.

"Kronus can not know about Perry, he will go after her, and she is rather weak being a human." Hades said.

"Got it boss, but what do we do about her being your mate." Demon asked.

"For now I will keep my distance, while I read more up on it. It makes no sense Demon, I can't have a human mate, it just isnt possible." Hades phone buzzed. "Come on we got to go drop off the pot to the buyers."

Demon nodded and off they went.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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