Party Like Porn Stars (prt 2)

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"Well, truth or dare Hades?" Micky giggled the whole room felt like a hot-box, and it felt heavy. My eyes could not leave her, how small she was how I wanted to wrap my arms around that frame.

But Hades' mind was racing with the plan. What was the plan you may ask? First he was going to try to get her into bed with this game, the pack members here all knew.

"Dare," His voice sent shivers through Perry, Demon was grinning. Hades had taken many a woman to bed, but when Demon told him that he needed to get a baby or a woman; Hades told him about her. Hades had never learned her name, he had tripped over his words like hot soup.

"I dare you," Demon spoke. "To do seven minutes in heaven with Perry." Hades watched in slow motion as Perry's eyes got huge. Demon was grinning ear to ear, he too was watching his prey. Perry was not Demon's prey, but she was someone that they needed for Hades.

"Can I skip this dare?" Perry asked slurred, Hades could smell her drink from where he was sitting.

"Nope," Sang Micky raising her bottle to her mouth. "We are going to keep playing the game while you guys have fun!"

I watched Hades stand up, and take hold of Perry's hand. The sparks ignited loudly through his hand, and he smiled at her. She smiled back, as she enjoyed those cold blue eyes.  He tugged her rather harshly if you ask me towards her, and they collided briefly. Like watching the moon try and kiss the sun, and stars. He pulled away to a small bedroom in the attic, he locked the door. It made a that for sure sound of locking. The little tick.

"What is it about you? I don't understand." He mumbled.

"What do you mean?" She protested, putting her hands on her hips.

"I mean I don't even, really, know your name, but yet I just want to do this." He pulled her close feeling those sparks under his skin. It almost felt like the buss from the weed. He gently touched her lips with his thumb, making eye contact. Perry was melting on the inside.

Without warning or consideration, he smashed his mouth onto hers. He felt as high as the clouds, and he just couldn't get enough of her at that moment. The kiss was passionate; and rather forceful. Sparks were buzzing dimly in Perry. She did not understand the feeling, because she was human.

"Are you a wolf?" Perry jerked her head back and put on a half drunk, weirded out express. She smelled like a bar, but to him tasted like heaven's cotton candy.

"What! No! What kind of bullshit question is that? You are such a freak!" He knew she was rather out of it. But now Hades knew, he knew she had smelled off to him. She was human, that was what was missing from her scent.

"Oh, I um, sorry I just really like.....bitches?" He watched the anger rise to her eyes. He backed up, for once in his life he felt fear.

Fear was a friend of mine, sometimes we have warm tea, and cold soda. Anyway back to this amazing story.

"How dare you! You really think all women are there just for you, just bat your eyes and sink any girl? You like bitches huh, well you are one!" She knew she messed up at that.

He grabbed her wrists and hung them above her head, sinking low to her ear. His warm breath flowed over her neck. "Did you just call me a bitch?" He half growled into her ear.

"Oh, I am so sorry Hades." He bit softly on the crock of her neck, she went limp and breathed out. She liked it.

"Hey guys," Demon pounded on the door, causing an inhuman growl from the Hell Hound.

"What!" Hades said.

"It is has been 7 minutes!" Demon busted the door at a shocked and scared Demon, who the door hit his foot. He winced and hopped around holding his toe.

"We have talked about this bro!" Hades looked at a rather shocked Perry.

"No we did not!" Demon yelled back holding his toe, still hopping like a bunny.

"I told you do not disrupt me and Perry during this," 

"I know but it had  been-"

"What did I say?" Hades had somehow calmed that hell fire in him, but Perry could almost feel the smoke coming from his ears.

"Not too... interrupt you guys.." He held a bottle to his lips slugging more down his mouth.

This story always gets me real hard, that boy Hades he got guts. Obviously because the Moon Goddess's right hand man is watching him, he could have thought more. He could have spent months getting her to fall, but there is only one perk to be a drug dealer.

He pulled Demon's shirt, and took a ripped piece, pulling a small dark green glass bottle from his pocket. "Hey can you tell me what this smells like?" He turned to Perry asking, as Demon was pitching a fit about his Supreme t-shirt being ruined.

"Oh um sure," He grabbed her head gently and stuffed her nose, as gentle as he could into the piece.

Her eyelids got heavy, is this chloroform? She tried to fight it but within a minute she was fainted in his arms.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Demon asked as Micky came back up the stairs.
"They bang yet?" Micky spoke lighting her cigarette. "Oh," She puffed the smoke out into the haze of the room. Demon's ripped shirt dangling in the fan wind, the smoking mess of the air waving around.

A fainted girl in Hades's arms, and no one was speaking. "What happened?" Micky finally broke flicking and smashing her bud.

"I chloroformed her," Hades gently placed Perry on the old couch.

"Dude, why do you just have a bottle of that in your pocket?" Demon said picking up the remains of his shirt. "It isn't that stron-"

Demon fell to the floor with a thud. Face first into the bad rug.Micky held back her laugh as Hades faced palmed. "How long he goin to be out?" Micky picked up his arm and it fell with a thud.

"Perry will be out for it least five hours, but with the drink in her; maybe ten?" He picked Perry up gently, making sure her hair wasn't being pulled; and keeping her tucked near his heart.

"What about him?" Micky pointed to Demon, she struggled but flipped him over.

"I do not care." Hades waved off the fact that his friend may piss himself during that night. "Just stay with him Micky"

"Alrighty Alpha Hades," She waved her hand and was already scrolling through her phone.

By this time the party had died down to drunks, stoned, and passed out. No one was paying attention. He took her to a heavy oak door, pulled out a shiny key and unlocked it.

Kicking it out of the way, he carefully reshut and locked it. With that click he knew she was safe, he brought her down to a bedroom, and laid her gently there. Stroking her hair, watching her breath.

They came out like summer breaths, and felt the smells of summer through those breaths. He kissed her head, and she had a small smile. The basement smelled of must, and Hades deodorants.

The other girls who were kept here would be shut into a whole different building. This house was his, and this basement was where he stayed during parties. "Goodnight my beautiful, please don't be mad at me."

He walked to the bathroom and made a call to his mother. "Hey ma," 

"Hades are you ok? You need to give me children." His mother's voice calmed his nerved from the night.

"I got her,"

"Got who sweety?" She spoke.

"I think, she is my mate." She gasped loudly.

"Hades, there is no way you have one my dear." She sounded half panicked.

"She is human tho," His mother did not have answer for this news, oh how if she knew what that girl was going to do.

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