Gaunter O'Dimm | Possessive

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Prompt #11: "Why won't you kiss me already?"

'Aye, lass, pass me another beer.' I did as the man asked, handing him another full tankard as I swirled across The Alchemy. The mugs on my tray wobbled dangerously, but I was graceful, much to the customer's amusement. I felt some of them gawk at me, their eyes glued to my curves that were hugged tightly by my dress or simply by my beauty, as my friend that happened to drop by every now and then would tell me often. 'Your drinks, lads!' I chimed as I put my tray down on top of a table, waiting for them to take their tankards before I took off again, empty plate in hand towards the bar, proceeding to fetch the soup a few people had ordered a minute ago. Vinnie, the cook, leaned over the counter, his voice decreasing to a whisper as he put full bowls on my tray.
'See that man over there, (Y/n)?' I followed his gaze to the other side of the room, a man with angry looking eyes and a long, scruffy beard around his chin. His hair reached until his shoulders and he looked at us tauntingly. 'That man is captain Blackeye of the Dark Orchid. Heard some scary stories about him and what he did to inns around the lands. Better serve him well, give an extra sway of your hips or something, anything to please him. We better not get him on our nerves, you know.' I nodded, fear starting to grow in the pit of my stomach. 'He is a dangerous man, no?' Vinnie bit on his lip, his brown eyes shooting between me and the pirate. 'Let us just stay safe and be sure we are on his good side. Who knows what he might do to this place if something goes wrong.' Again I nodded, taking the plate with soup from the counter. 'Good luck, girl.' I took a deep breath and strode over towards the man, who was gazing up at me with expectant eyes.
'Ah, finally, I was starting to doubt this tavern's service. Took you long enough, lass. Perhaps you should get off that pretty ass of yours and actually walk around some more! Might get you a few nice tips, even!' A few pirates laughed in response, grabbing at the soup as if it were vultures on a cow's carcass. I let out a light yelp of surprise and embarrassment when one of them pinched my butt, earning even more laughter from the group. 'Lookie here, we've got a screamer!' Captain Blackeye tutted at one of his men that had made that remark about me. 'If that is the case, she will be crying underneath me tonight.' He looked at me as if I was a piece of meat ready to be devoured. He arose from his chair, cupping my chin with a big, filthy palm with groping fingers as he looked at me intensely. 'Young meat. The best kind.' I swallowed thickly, fighting the tears that were about to fall. Why wasn't Vinnie doing anything? Was he too afraid of being beat up if he tried to help me out? I didn't even know why I was responding this way to the captain, not able to move a fiber in my body, struck by fear of what he might do.

Blackeye released me, grinning a eased himself onto his chair again, taking his bowl of soup. 'Of course she will do it for free. It is not like she has any choice in this matter. I am far stronger than she is and all barmen around here are pissing their pants from the sight of me. I would prepare for a rough night, missy.' I nearly gagged at the sight of him, lustful eyes taking up every inch of my body. 'She's a pretty one isn't she?' a pirate barked, licking his lips as he looked me up and down. 'That one is for the captain, Björne! What about that one over there, close to the door. Let us make her scream.' The captain held up his hand to silence them, his mouth opening to speak. 'I wish to eat in peace, so be quiet.' They obeyed immediately, scurrying away slightly as their leader brought up the bowl to his lips in order to sip from the soup that Vinnie had created. He drank from it, swirled it around in his mouth, his expression changing before he spat it out into the bowl again. 'What the fuck is this salty shit!' he roared, smashing his fist onto the table. I cowered in fear, shielding myself as his eyes found me. 'You made this, ugly brat?' I couldn't move, it was as if I was glued to the ground. 'Fucking speak to me, whore!' His hand reached for the bowl, grabbing it tightly, about to lunch towards me with the hot contents. His arm moved, wanting to throw the boiling liquid into my face, when...

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