Lambert | Upset

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Prompt: "I can't make you happy."

I opened the doors to Kaer Morhen, a basket of fresh supplies in hand. It had been a long travel, so I didn't want to do anything else than to plop down and rest my feet.
However, the content mood I was in soon turned sour at the sight of a sulking Ciri standing close to the kitchen, where I had to drop of the food I had purchased.
'Hey Ciri, are you all-right?' the ashen-haired shook her head at this question.
'Um... It's a bit odd, really. Lambert's behaviour is really off. I think he went to your room.'
'You know he can be salty quite often.' I assured her. I was sure that my lover was in one of his usual hissy-fits.

'That's not only it - Geralt's in a sour mood as well.' she pointed towards the White Wolf, who was sitting close to the fire with a full tankard in hand - on the table were already three empty bottles of booze. 'I think they got in a fight.'
'What else is new?' I joked, moving to brush past the Lady of Time and Space but she halted me. 'Here, let me.' she insisted, 'you should really go to check up on Lambert.'

With worry now growing inside of my stomach, I headed for my bedroom in one of the towers. 'Lambert?'

As I entered, I found said Witcher bent over my dresser, pulling out every item he could find. He tossed them aimlessly into what I recognized to be my travel bag. 'Hey, what are you doing? Are we venturing out for an expedition? Some contracts to be fulfilled?' The brunet was startled, looking up to face me. I was surprised at how unusually cold his gaze was as it settled onto me.
'No. You however, are leaving.'

A deep frown came over my face at the statement. 'What? But why?'
He was silent for a few seconds. His expressionless face caused my heart to shatter in my chest.

'I can't make you happy.' Lambert deadpanned, continuing to pack my things.
'What the fuck are you talking about?' I said, now more confused than ever. The Witcher looked up to me again, straightening his back. 'What I am talking about, (Y/n), is that you need to go. I am not the man you should be with.'

'Lambert, what the fuck.' I approached him, grabbing his shoulder as soon as he tried to turn back to my bag again. 'Who told you that? What got into that handsome head of yours?' He was silent, avoiding eye contact at all costs. 'Nothing is wrong. You just need to leave.'

'Do you have someone else?' He halted in his actions. 'What?'
I took a deep breath. 'You throw me out so she can come in?'
'No, gods no, it's not that.'
'Then what is, Lambert? I need - no, I demand an explanation.'
'You don't need one, all you need to know is-'
'Or I will ask one from Vesemir.'
'Alright! Al-right...'

Lambert sighed, scratching his neck awkwardly as he turned away.
'I'm so sorry. I am so fucking sorry.' I sat down on his bed as he stared out of the window. 'I got into an argument with Geralt the other day. At a certain point we came to the part where we started to insult each other's love life. I sneered that he couldn't keep it in his pants and that half of all the women around Temeria have contracted some kind of disease from him. He told me that I am not worthy of love. Especially not from someone so caring and patient as you.'

I opened my mouth in order to react, but the brunet wasn't done speaking yet. 'He is right, you know. I am not the man you should be with. I am too rough for you, too stupid. I can't make you happy like another man could do. Settle down, have a few kids, I can't be that guy. I don't want to be that guy, because it's not in my nature. Someone so special should have a man that can treat her like a princess.'

'Oh, Lambert...' as he turned to me, I was a bit taken aback by the tears that shimmered on the brims of his feline eyes. I cupped his face in my hands, pressing my mouth to his forehead. 'Why are you thinking those silly things? I love you, so, so much. I don't want to settle and adopt a child if you don't want to. I don't want you to force you to become someone you're not.'

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