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hey, y'all. sorry this has taken so long. i'm going through what has possibly been the worst summer of my entire life. i'm feeling really low & unmotivated, but i finally put together this chapter over the course of a couple weeks. 

<ryan's pov> 

I'm waiting outside a semi-fancy restaurant in the nice part of town, checking my phone over and over again. Callie was supposed to meet me here 20 minutes ago. I take it as a sign from God that she's standing me up. For a moment, I feel relieved. I don't really want to be on this date anyway. I called and hung up six times before finally deciding to go through with it. Ding Dong and Julian basically blackmailed me. They said if I didn't go, they'd tweet pictures of me at my first frat party. Never again...

I start walking towards my car, only to be interrupted by someone shrieking my name.

"Ryyyyyy-annnnnn!" I turn on my heel and see Callie standing there wearing a short black skirt and a white lace shirt that stops a few inches above her belly button. I suddenly think of how y/n looked in her yellow top and jeans the night we went to the planetarium. 

I start thinking about y/n wearing the yellow t-shirt she wore the first night she spent the night at my house. It takes Callie screaming my name for me to come back down to earth. 

"Shit," I accidentally say out loud. Thankfully, she doesn't hear me and I'm able to turn around and force a smile. She waves and begins running towards me, the half-block-long 

"Heyyyyyy!" She calls in her signature whiney, high-pitched voice. 

"Hey, Callie," I reply warily. 

"You ready?" She asks, hiking her purse up onto her slender shoulder. I nod and approach the door of the restaurant, holding it open for her. 

"Such a gentleman," she purrs, punctuating it with a sickly-sweet giggle that makes me slightly uncomfortable.

We're seated after 10 minutes of awkward small talk and hair twirling (her, not me). Our table is in a back corner of the dining room, with an obstructed view of any exits I can use quickly if I need to. 

"So have you been here before?" She asks, putting both elbows on the table and resting her chin in her hand. I study her face before answering. I have to admit, she's beautiful. With eyes the color of pistachios with a ring of long eyelashes, why I haven't even developed the slightest of crushes on her is a bit confusing. But every time I look at Callie, I think of y/n. 

Once we've (finally) finished dinner, I walk Callie outside. I'm eager to get home and play Xbox with Ding Dong and Julian so I can tell them their plan sucked. But Callie admits she hoped I'd drive her home, so she took an Uber to the restaurant. I begrudgingly agree, opening my passenger's side door for her. She smiles and shimmies into her seat. 

"What's your address?" I ask, pulling up the GPS app on my phone. 

"332 Rose Ave. Building D." The second she says the number, my stomach drops. She lives in the same building as y/n. Y/n probably wouldn't know... she told me a few weeks ago that she doesn't know anyone in her complex. 

"Okay," I reply, pulling onto the street. 

I don't realize until we've reached the building that I didn't have to look at the GPS once.

<time skop>

I pull to the side of the street and get out of my car. It takes a full 10 seconds for me to realize that Callie is waiting for me to open her door for her. I roll my eyes and let her out. 

"Walk me to my door?" She asks, batting her eyes at me. I nod reluctantly as she leads me to her building. We pass the floor y/n lives on, and I almost hope she comes out and sees me. 

We finally reach Callie's door, and I realize suddenly that she's hoping I'll kiss her. The last thing I want to do is lead her on, so I put my hands in my pockets and take a step back.

"Alright, well... goodnight," I say, starting to turn around. 

"Wait, don't go so soon... wanna come in for a drink?" She fumbles around in her bag for her keys. When she finally unearths them, I'm shaking my head.

"I shouldn't... I've got an early class tomorrow." 

"Ryan... tomorrow's Saturday..." 

I laugh, mostly from nerves. I know for a fact that I don't want to go out with her again, but I don't want to be rude. 

"Look, Callie, I-" before I can finish, she grabs my shoulders and kisses me, hard. 

Moon Rise (Ryan Magee)Where stories live. Discover now