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Hey y'all! Welcome to what I think is going to be the end of Moon Rise. I hope you all have enjoyed this story! I really want to write something else, especially since I'm on winter break now so I'll have more time to get some chapters backlogged. That way I'll be able to post more regularly without takin fuckin year long breaks between lmao.


When Ryan and I get back to my apartment, I notice that both Holly and Suzy's cars aren't in our normal spots. I check my phone, remembering I didn't have great service at the Prescotts'. I have a text from Holly saying that their boyfriends decided to have a little group campout at Holly's boyfriend Ross' house until the storm settled down. 

"Well, guess you won't be seeing Suzy and Holly tonight," I say, unbuckling my seatbelt. Ryan does the same.

"That's fine, as long as I get to see you," he says, the fluorescent light of the parking garage flickering in his eyes. I blush wildly and get out of the car. 

When we get to my apartment, I make us two cups of hot cocoa and we sit on my bed. We've turned a movie on but we aren't paying attention. We're too busy alternating between kissing and having deep conversations. 

We start making out pretty intensely, and I feel his hand creep onto the soft skin of my bare waist under my shirt. I flinch and pull away.

"Oh, I'm sorry, too much?" He asks, backing off immediately. 

"It's fine, it's really- it's fine," I stammer, not wanting him to think I'm mad at him or that I don't want things to go further. 

"Are you sure? It's just that... I really like you, y/n... I don't wanna fuck anything up." 

I grab the back of his head and pull him closer to me again. I find his hand and place it back where it was under my shirt. 

We're interrupted a few minutes later by Holly and Suzy coming back in. 

"Hang on, hopefully one of them just forgot something and they'll be heading back out soon." I get up from the bed and walk out to the kitchen.

"Hey," Suzy says, turning on the kettle. She takes two mugs out of the cabinet above her. 

"Hey, I thought you guys were going to Ross' house," I say, leaning casually on the counter. 

"Yeah, well, the storm cleared up, like, super fast. It apparently dissipated right after the worst part hit us," Holly says. 

"So y'all are here for the night?" I ask, nervous that they'd see a boy in my room and tease me for years about it.

"Yeah, I guess so. Ross had a little temper tantrum when Holly said she was leaving, but his Amazon Echo kept randomly playing Frosty the Snowman, so we got too creeped out to stay," Suzy laughs. 

"Oh, my God," I say, "that's fucking terrifying."

"So what do you have planned?" Suzy asks, "I thought you said you were going to your friend's house for a project." 

"Yeah, well, it kinda got cut short." I take a deep breath and tell them the truth. "Ryan showed up." Both of their eyes grow wide, and Suzy comes over to me, putting a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. 

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, actually... he's... uh... he's in my room." They both gasp, and Holly giggles. 

"Are you serious? HI RYAN!" She calls towards my room. 

"Hol! Stop it!!!" I say, playfully putting my hand over her mouth. She laughs and swats it away.

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