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sorry this is so short, I may come back and edit this later. i'm done with my summer from hell, thank god, so hopefully this story will pick up again soon.

y/n's pov

After a long Friday of classes and running errands, I enter my apartment slowly remembering what I'd done earlier in the week. A pang of guilt hits me, but it melts away by the time I've entered my room. My favorite candy is laying on my bed, surrounded by Redbox DVDs of two movies I've been dying to see. There's also a gigantic bottle of vodka and a two liter of Sprite on my bedside table. 

"You guuuuuuys," I say, half in tears. Holly and Suzy obviously know enough about the other night to demonstrate what great friends they are. Holly comes into the room, Suzy following close behind her.

"We know you had a shitty night a while ago, so we wanted to do something nice for you," Suzy says, sitting on my bed.

"Yeah," Holly adds, "we're gonna have a good old-fashioned night in." 

We proceed to eat the candy and watch one of the movies. It's a horror movie where a girlfriend sees her boyfriend cheat on her and she goes crazy, slashing the boyfriend, the other girl, and anyone else who gets in her way. I have to say, it is a bit empowering to see. 

Once the movie's over, we've eaten our weight in candy and take-out burritos that Holly ordered. 

"I feel groooooss," I whine, poking my food baby. 

"Me too," Suzy adds. Holly takes another bite of her XL burrito and smiles. 

"I could eat three more of these." We all burst into laughter. It feels good to laugh. 

"So," Suzy says, sitting up on the bed, "y/n, I really think you should talk to Ryan. It's obvious you feel bad about snapping at him." 

"I really do. I mean, I know I'm insecure, but that doesn't mean I can lash out at him like that." I look down at my bedspread and pick at one of the yellow flowers on it. I'm really just avoiding looking up at the picture of Ryan hanging on my wall. 

"Maybe you should talk to him on Monday. You guys have class together, right?" Holly shoves the rest of her burrito in her mouth.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess I could." I look up at her face and immediately laugh. Her cheeks are puffed out and there's a piece of lettuce sticking out from between her lips.

"Aaaaand on that note," Suzy says, getting up from the bed, "I'm going to bed. Night you guys." 

"Night," we both say. Although when Holly says it, the piece of lettuce lands directly onto a yellow flower beneath her.

"I'm gonna go work out, I think," I say after I finish laughing.

"Sounds good, me too," Holly replies. I cock my head and raise my eyebrows.


"Nah, I'm fucking with you," she says with a laugh. I change quickly into some workout gear and grab my water bottle and headphones. Once I've made sure I have my house key, I head upstairs towards the gym.

"Wait, don't go so soon... come in for a drink?" A familiar, lilted voice makes my ears perk up. Then, an even familiar one sends makes my heart drop.

"I shouldn't. I've got an early class tomorrow." 

I've stopped on the stairs between my floor and the floor above me. I can clearly see Ryan and Callie standing outside of an apartment. Oh, fuck, I think to myself, Callie lives here? 

"Ryan, tomorrow's Saturday." Callie says. Ryan laughs in response. Why would he flirt with her like that unless he likes her? 

I turn around and try to sneak away when I hear Ryan gasp.

I see them kiss for half a millisecond before I dart back into my apartment. 

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