Chapter Three!

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(watch the video and your skin will be clearer and your days will all be good!!!)

"Excuse me." Malia's Jimin excuse me remix alarm wakes her up. Ugh. Jimin. Now's really not the time. I don't wanna get up. Wait. Oh right. Today's the partay. Get up, Malia. But I don't wannnnaaaa.

   After some time, Malia finally gets up. Fixes her bed. Gets in the shower. Stays in there for an hour. Once out, she changes to a white shirt that goes well with her skin. She lets her hair dry, while scrolling on twitter.

   It's already one in the afternoon. Malia hasn't started getting ready, I have a lot of time. I'll get ready in an hour. So then another hour is spent with Malia scrolling mindlessly through her social medias. Her friends hadn't texted at all. They're probably busy. At least I know for sure Min is.

  It's now two in the afternoon. Malia starts to get ready. But not before snapping a quick photo and letting her followers know.

Even though Min has thrown countless parties and Malia has attended every single one, she can't help but be nervous for tonight

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Even though Min has thrown countless parties and Malia has attended every single one, she can't help but be nervous for tonight. It's a party like no other... Why should she be nervous? Ahhhh this isn't helping. It's just another one of Min's parties!!! You always have fun there! Why are you shaking all of a sudden now?!

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