Chapter Six!

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"What the heck? Who's saying 'excuse me?'"

A sleepy Jared groans. "Ugh. Just ignore it and go back to sleep bro." "Too loud and annoying bro." "Guys, calm down it's just my Park Jiminie." Dawn says, slowly sitting up. "It's Malia's phone. Malia! Turn it off!!" Luna says, trying to feel around her so she can shake Malia. "Guys, I can't feel Malia." Aida feels for Min. "Can't feel Minnie either." "Where could they have gone?? And why is this room so dark?" "Who said that?" "Me." "Who's me?" "Meee!! Aida." "Right." Dawn says, laying back down. "Yah?" "What?" "That's my last name." "I thought it was Plex or something?" "It got changed." "How does one change their last name overnight?" "I don't know? Ask the one who changed my last name?" "Who?" "Okay!! But guys that annoying dude is still talking. What is he saying excuse me for?? DUDE YOU'RE EXCUSED!!!" "Excuse you?? Chim chim is not annoying you rat!" Dawn glares as if Jared would be able to see her. "Oh thank god it finally stopped." "Psst. Aida." "What." "Who changed your last name?" "W-" "GUYS SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!" Jared shifts on his bed and goes back to sleep.

(watch de video for better reading experience 😂)

"OH MY GOD WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT WHO IS THAT?! WHO IS AAAAHHH-ING AT THIS TIME?!?" "Bro. You're louder than the alarm." "Who's phone is that?!" "Min's." "Really? I didn't even know that's what her alarm is. Wow." "Bro. You couldn't be a decent boyfriend and have Min have a normal alarm??" "Excuse you??" Rhem starts to sit up when the darkness lessened as brightness took over. "Good morning~" they hear.

"So that's how you guys met?" "Yep." "Minnie!" Rhem says, shaking his girl. "Why didn't you tell me about this??" "Well ya didn't ask?" She replies, earning a scoffing boyfriend.

"So that's how you guys are 'twins'?" "Yep." "Minnie!" Rhem says, shaking his girl.. Again. "Why didn't you tell me about this??" He repeats. His girlfriend also repeated what she said earlier, "Well ya didn't ask?" And her boyfriend scoffs once again.

"Guys I'm gonna go get drinks downstairs." Malia says, excusing herself. Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy god. Jared. Freaking. Jared. And. His... Ugh. If he looked great yesterday being all dressed up he definitely looks better just wakin' up. This is not good for my health. Curse you Jared. But not really. "Hey." a voice says from behind, making Malia snap out of her thoughts. Speak of the devil. She smiles. "Hi." Malia get it together. Don't mess this up. He's just some cute dude you met last night. He's just some cute dude that's related to your twin's boyfriend. He's just so- "Mal-Malia?? You okay??" oh. Crap. I'm lost in my thoughts again. "H-huh?? Yeah! Yeah!" She answers, resulting with the older laughing. Great. "Wh-what?" "N-nothing. I just.. Lemme help."

"Wait you have Instagram??" "Oh mines..." "You already know Min!" "What?" "We are a mess." "What about snappy chatty?" Luna says, making Min turn to look at her. "What?" "Is that what you call Snapchat..??" Luna nods. "Seriously!?! That's what I call it too!!!" "Hey Jared what's your Instagram?" Malia asks, feeling brave. On the other hand, Jared was afraid and tries to hide his phone. Shouldn't have asked that. Now he's gonna think I like him or something since I asked. But I actually do... Soo... Jared types for a little while, erases and types again before sharing his username. "You were trying to change your username weren't you?!" Malia laughs, Jared denying. "Okay whatever. Mine is simple. It's just my name. Malia Rose. No caps. No spaces. maliarose. "Got it." "Excuse me." BTS' Park Jimin chimes. "Is that... Just... Your ringtone for everything..?? He's not even like your favorite member?" "How do you know?" "Dawn was saying earlier that's her favorite." "Oh. Well people can have the same favorite member?? But for my case, he isn't." Malia says, unlocking her phone to look at the notification.

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