Chapter Nine!

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Excuse me.

Ugh. What time is it??

"Good morning babe."

B-babe? Since when do I have a boyfriend and who?!? His voice sounds awfully familiar.

Min?! What happened to Min? Did I ever get to the park??

"Baby? Are you okay??" "Ye-yeah. I'm fine. Ugh. What happened to Min? Did I ever get to the park?!" Malia says rubbing her still closed eyes, debating whether or not to open them. "Ah. I see. That again." That again? What's that supposed to mean!? "What? What do you mean that again?" She asks, finally deciding to open her eyes.

What she sees in front of her is not the person she suspected to have been the one talking to her. "R-rhem?!?" He looks kind of different... Wait. Baby?! Babe?! The elder smiles, "Hi baby," walking over to Malia and give her a hug. But before he could do that, Malia had already pushed him away from her.

"You and Min... Broke up." Rhem only laughs. "Wow. Babe this i-" "Could you please stop calling me that?!" He gives her a look and continues, "This is the longest you've not regained your memories." What?

When Rhem doesn't see Malia responding, he explains himself. "You see.. After that break up, a lot.. Happened. And, we somehow got together." he smiles, showing his gums. Hey Malia stop— it's not cute.

As if just processing what the other said, Malia's head shoots up. "Wait what?! W-we're together? I-I don't get it. What?" "Bab-Malia.. You were having a dream. But it's not just a dream, it was the past. You often dream it. Also f-y-i, we're like 25 now." "What?! Twenty-five?!? What have I done with my life?! What happened?! Did I sleep for eleven years?!!! PLEASE TELL ME WE DON'T HAVE KIDS OR WHATEVER?! ARE WE EVEN MARRIED?!" Oops. I might've freaked out a bit too much... Rhem laughs again. "Shh. You're fine, it's okay.. You didn't sleep your life out. We're not married AND no, we don't have kids. But," he says, grabbing the younger's cute tiny hands into his own. "Like I always say whenever you dream of how we saw each other for the first time, I'm glad that me and Min broke up. And that both of you cut off ties each other."

"What? You mean, we.. Don't talk to each other anymore??" He nods, and pulls her up. "Let's go eat breakfast, you must be starving." "B-but Rhem.. How did we.." "End up together?" He scoffs. "Well, it all began when my brother Jared," Jared. That beautiful piece of human being that I ju- "Ehem. Who, I no longer talk to, started following you."

                            THE END.

To be continued!

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