Want you back -Jason McCann

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Fear danced across my eyes as I watched my drunk boyfriend stagger towards me. I held my breath as he got closer and closer, he reeked of alcohol. He was stood directly in front of me, his eyes glared directly into mine.

"Jason," I breathed out. His jaw tightened at the mention of his name.  

Only a few times had I seen my boyfriend of 2 years as angry as he is now; neither of those times were directed at me. The last time he was as mad as this was when one of his gang members tried to attack me, it didn’t end very well for him. Although the man did attack me, I felt sorry for him, but Jason wouldn’t let me visit his grave.

Jason slowly lifted his hand and placed it gently on my cheek as he softly stroked it. He sharply pulled his hand away as if my touch disgusted him. He stood there staring at me for what only felt like a couple of minutes before he swiftly brought his hand back down to my face.

My cheek stung from the slap and my eyes began to water but I didn’t move an inch; I was petrified that he would do it again.

"Bitch," he spat in my face. He brought his hand back down to my cheek, with more force than the last time.

I let a sob echo throughout my body as the tears continued to build in my eyes. I looked down trying to hide my face from Jason, he always hated seeing the fear and pain in other people. He never told me why but I assumed it made him feel guilty.

"You wouldn’t believe how pathetic you look right now," Jason hissed as he stepped away from me.

"I'm s-sorry," I tried to say with confidence but stuttered when I sobbed again.

"I can't fucking believe you right now! I thought I could trust you but you are just a lying slut!" He began his rant as he paced back and forth in front of me, "Did our relationship mean nothing to you? Was everything we ever had just a joke to you!?"

"Wha-what are you talking about?" I asked with confusion. I still am yet to figure out why my intoxicated boyfriend stumbled into my apartment at 11pm as I was just going to sleep.

"I saw the fucking text messages," he growled but continued when he glanced down at my confused face, "the texts you were sending to Nathan, I fucking saw the whole conversation."

"How?" I whimpered quietly. This was the worst possible outcome. I think Jason would have been less angry if he found out I cheated on him or something else that breaks up normal couples; but this is big.

"That cocky son-of-a-bitch sent them all to me. You are disgusting," he fumed.

The story behind Nathan is a long and pathetic one. Nathan used to be best friends with Jason and now they hated each other. There hate for each other affected Jason so much that it changed the way he was. He used to be kinder then he is now, he used to be able to say he has never killed a man. But it all changed when something happened between them.

Jason never told me about what happened and every time I approached the subject he would get slightly angry and storm out. That is the reason I talked to Nathan, to find out what happened and to try and fix it. I wanted Jason to be the man he used to be, to be the man I fell in love with.

Jason stomped towards me with a deadly look on his face. He raised his clenched fists, causing me to flinch back and shut my eyes as I waited for the impact of his fist. Instead of hitting me, Jason smacked his fist into the wall next to my head. I squealed when I heard the impact.

"J-Jason, just listen to me," I gulped.

"Why the fuck should I?" Jason questioned snappily. Looking into his dangerous, dark eyes made me feel like I was looking directly into fire; it burned.

"Please," I pleaded.

He nodded his head sharply at me which I took as my cue to speak, "I talked to him for you. I don’t know what he sent you but if he showed you the whole conversation you would realise that everything I said to him was for you. I just want you back Jason… the old you, the one I fell in love with, the one that made me feel special, the one that cared about me. I thought I was doing the right thing, I'm sorry."

Jason's eyes softened as he continued to stare at me. He looked like he was fully sober now and he was weighing up his choices.

He looked at the ground before cursing, "fucking cu#t," he muttered under his breath before he swiftly turned around and stormed off. He opened the door and slammed it behind him, leaving me standing in the middle of my hallway.

I slid down the wall behind me and sat on the floor; staring at the door with disbelief. My eyes began to flutter closed so I let my tiredness take me away.


I felt someone pick me up into their strong arms but I didn’t stir. Although I was awake I wasn’t really aware of much. I dropped my head onto the persons shoulder as they carried me. I was dipped down onto a soft surface which I prayed was my bed and not someone else's.

A soft hand ran across my still sore cheek which caused me to slowly open my eyes. Jason stood above me, his hand still resting on my cheek.

"I'm so sorry, baby," he whispered.

I didn’t dare to question what made him change his mind and I was too tired to talk, so I simply nodded my head at him. He lied down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I closed my eyes again to go back to sleep but before I fell asleep I heard Jason whisper, "I love you." 

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