Regrets -Justin Bieber (For Hannah)

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Hannah's POV

I gulped as I looked down at the pregnancy stick. Positive. All three pregnancy tests I had taken read the exact same thing.

At that moment the only thing I could think of was the poor child that was growing inside my stomach. He or she was going to have to put up with having a single mother. I knew exactly who the father was but it's not like I could tell him; he wouldn’t want the baby anyway.

I mean how could you tell Justin Bieber that you are pregnant with his child after a one night stand with him. It's impossible to do that without sounding like Maria Yeater.

As soon as I found out about the baby, I called my best friend over. He has been there for me ever since we were 14; considering we were both now 19, it's been a long time.

"Hannah?" I heard Drew yell as he walked into my apartment. Yes, I gave him a key.

"Upstairs," I yelled back. I listened to Drew's footsteps as he walked up the stairs and into the bathroom that was connected to my bedroom. As soon as he saw me sat on the toilet seat with a pregnancy stick in my hand, he gasped.

"Hannah?" he said almost in a whisper. I looked up at him to see he had his mouth open slightly, his eyes were wide with shock and his face was ashen.

"I am so stupid," I sniffed. I can't believe I got pregnant. I looked down to my stomach and frowned. Nobody would even be able to notice that I had a baby growing in my stomach, it was a strange feeling.

"Who is the dad?" Drew asked softly as he walked closer to me and knelt down next to me.

"You know when we went to club 120 three weeks ago and I went home with that guy? He is the dad," I told Drew. Even though Drew is my best friend I still think he would think I'm crazy if I told him that my baby daddy was Justin Bieber.

"Do you have his number?" Drew questioned.

"Yeah I do. I don’t know if I should tell him or not," I looked up to Drew for advice. He was only a couple of months older than me but he always did the right thing and knew what to do in bad situations.

"If I was the guy in a situation like this, I would want to know. If you tell him and he doesn’t want it, then it will just be like you haven't told him at all."

"Why are you always right?" I asked him with a little laugh.

"I'm just great like that," he smirked, "Now put that pee covered stick down and go call Mr Baby Daddy."

I laughed and put the pregnancy stick in the bin before walking out of the bathroom to my bed side table where my phone was. My hand was shaking as I unlocked my phone and found his name in my contacts list. I let out a shaky sigh before I pressed the call button and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Hannah, calling for round 3?" I could almost hear Justin smirk down the phone.

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