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Paige's POV:
I've been with the Avengers for a year now and I'm actually fitting in which is great because I was never the one to fit in, I and Pietro are great friends now,

"what you thinking about, котенок?"

That's what he calls me котенок, he says it means kitten in Russian but I don't mind he calls me that because I call Him Pete,

"nothing Pete."

I say and then the Avengers alert goes off and we all head to the living room in Avengers Tower, did I forget to mention we have a Tower to ourselves now? Anyways we all gather together,

"vhat is it Tony?" Asks Pete,

"WE'RE OUT OF ICE CREAM!" He yells and I giggle a bit,

"Tony that's not an emergency."I say resting my right hand on my hip,

"Yes, it is! We must go get more!" He yells,

"fine."Says Nat

"But next time don't press the emergency button."Says Clint, and we all leave and get ice cream at this great place called Baskin Robins,

"THIS ICE CREAM IS GREAT! ANOTHER!" Yells Thor and he's about to smash his cup on the floor when I use my super speed to grab it and prevent it from shattering,

"Thor what have we said about that!" Yells Tony,


Pietro's POV:
I vas about to grab the cup so it vouldn't hit the ground vhen I saw a purple streak run around and grab the cup, it vas котенок, I look at her, her black hair up in a ponytail and her purple shirt fits her curves perfectly and the sun bounces off her beautiful pale skin, she's holding Thor's cup, as she sets it down she looks at me and says,

"What are you looking at Pete?" She asks,

"nothing." I say,

"ВЫ как ее, да?" (You like her, yes?) asks Vanda (A/N: sorry if that's not actually how you say it in Russian my Russian isn't great.)

"Да."(Yes) I answer and a huge smile spreads across her face and then a huge crash rings out, Paige and I are the first to respond, ve automatically run outside to see the problem,
"I am the sloth!"
Yells a man in a gray jacket and brown pants vith a vhite bowl cut, I hear laughter and I look at Paige vho is laughing her ass off,

"W-wait a minute you call your self the Sloth!" She yells and laughs somehow harder and everyone including me begins to laugh too,

"what was the other choice? The snail!" And even vision is laughing,

"Shut it!" The Sloth yells and then shoots us vith a huge ray, I try to run but I just end up valking,

"Vhat's happening?!" I ask,

"I'm guessing this is what he does he makes us go slow!" She yells trying to get out of The Sloth's beam,

"stop struggling it makes it Vorse!"I yell already knowing since I've been up against The Sloth multiple times before,

"then how do we get out of here?"I ask,

"we take out the main device."

"And how do we do that."

"Vell котенок, ve simply valk very slowly to it and then slowly move it but if ve go faster then 3 miles per hour then it slows us down even more."

"Ok then." She says and ve all begin to valk very slowly towards the machine making us go slow.

Paige's POV:
I get halfway to the slow machine when I remember something,

"ugh, how could I be so fucking stupid!" I yell,

"vhat is it котенок?" Asks Pete,

"I totally forgot my power to move metal! We could have been out of here in no time if it wasn't for me!" I yell and throw the machine into a wall, I run to the Sloth and use my powers to make a metal prison around him,

"how are you faster than me?" Asks Pete,

"I don't know, I guess it's because I've had mine since I was born."

"Vhy's that, котенок?"

"I'll explain later." I say and run back to my room in Stark Tower.

"So what happened, котенок?"

"Well when I was born I was not a very healthy baby I was on the verge of death and the doctors tried everything but they couldn't help me until this one man, his name was Arnhem Zola and he claimed he could save me, for 100,000 dollars so my parents paid him and he gave me a serum which saved my life but when I was around a year old my powers started to show, I was running and no kid can run at a year old and I could pick up metal with my mind, so my parents told me to keep my powers hidden and to help those in need but without showing my face and that's how I became someone called The Speed, I've been The speed since I was 14 years old and that's my story."

"That is kinda cool котенок."


Later that night I was sleeping when I heard a knock on my door, I get up and rub my eyes when I look at the clock,

"Who the hell is knocking on my door in 4:00 in the morning!" I groan as I get up and walk to the door,

"what the hell do yo-" I get halfway into my sentence when the person (who I didn't get a look at do to my eyes still being foggy) hit me in the head and I pass out.

Pietro and Paige Where stories live. Discover now