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"Stark you need to tell her, she deserves to know."

"I can't."

"You can and you vill." Tony and I are currently arguing on the fact that he should tell Paige about her actual past,

"No I will not."

"Fine then I'll tell her."

"No you won't."

"Then you tell her."


"You see the problem here?"

"What problem? I know my sister she wouldn't want me to tell her, she was always talking about how she wanted to completely forget her life."

"The Vinter soldier was telling me about key words that would bring back your memory from someone important, is that Vhy you never talk to her?"

"Yes now leave me to work."

"Please Tony."


"How about ve vote." I say and I speed us to the living room where everyone but Thor and Paige were,

"Vho thinks Tony should tell Paige the truth?" I ask and everyone raises their hands,

"Alright it's everyone against you." I say,

"Don't say that it's not a fair vote unless we see who wants me not to, now who thinks I shouldn't tell Paige?" He asks and he's the only person to raise his hand,

"Oh look I win because you guys don't count because I'm rich and you're all not." He continues,

"What are we voting on?" Ask the small and gentle voice of Paige and we all turn to see Paige and Thor coming out of the elevator,

"Ve vere just deciding eather Tony should tell you a very important secret or not." I say,

"Well what won?" Asks Paige,

"It was a tie." Says Tiny,

"Well now you're gonna tell her because my vote breaks the tie." Says Thor walking up to Tony and picking him up over his shoulder then putting him down in front of Paige,

Paige's POV:
"YOU DID WHAT?!" I yell at Tony after he claims that I lost my memory and he's my brother,

"Paige I know it sounds bad."


"Paige lets be rational here."


"Котёнок, please calm down." Says Pietro putting his hand on my shoulder and I take a couple breaths in and out,

"Alright do you have any idea what the key word would be?" I ask Tony,

"Well could be something from the first time we invented something together when I was 8 and you were 6 we built this little robot and we called him... oh what did we call him?" He asks and stops to think for a while and JARVIS speaks up,

"Electro sir."

"Yes! It's name was Electro we spent days and night working on it trying to impress father!" He says Electro and the memories flood in some sad some happy,

"I-i remember! I remember when I went to MIT a year after you and people would make fun of me and you'd look after me and oh, mom and dad, I remember them to." I say the last part looking down and sad,

"Hey life goes on." Says Pietro I turn to him and face lights up,

"And I remember taking a trip to Sakovia when I was 16 and I met you for the first time Pietro don't you remember?" I ask and he thinks for a while until his face lights up and you can almost see the light bulb appear,

"Yeah I ran into you vhen you vere running through the voods ve met and even shared our first kiss that day! You look so different."

"I tend to change a lot."

It's been a month since I got my memory back and Tony and I have been catching up and Pietro and I are doing great, we have a date this Friday, he says he has a surprise for me so I can't wait!

Pietro and Paige Where stories live. Discover now