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"Umm sorry I didn't mean t-to uuh here's your um uh hammer back." I stammer as I hand it to Thor who lets out a sigh,

"I have no wish to be a queen of Asgard." I say with a wink,

"Thank you, Paige you truly are worthy!" He yells,

"You hear that!? My girlfriend is vorthy!" Yells Pietro and I let out a laugh,

"Don't make me hit you with this." I say

"You'll have to catch me first." He says with a flirty wink and I drop the Mijolnir and run after him.

5 months later

I and Pietro are doing great but here lately I've been feeling like I'm being watched one day they flank me I fight but they have the Sloth with them they captured me again! Gosh darn it I need to work on my fighting skills!

Pietro's POV:
I vas at the mall vith Vanda shopping for the perfect ring because I have decided I vant Paige to be Miss Maximoff when a girl comes up next to me,

"Hey, big boy what you looking for?" She asks leaning forward showing cleavage, I cringed at the sigh,

"I'm looking for a ring for my girlfriend." I emphasize girlfriend hoping she'd get the hint but she doesn't,

"Why don't we go to my place and I'll make you forget all about your precious girlfriend." whore,

"No I'm good now get out of here bitch I said I'm taken!" I practically shout and she scoffs then leaves I sigh in relief when I hear my beep and I look to see a text from Stark it read,

"Pietro come quick it's about Paige." And vith that I grab I grab Vanda and take her back to Avengers Tower,

"Vhat is it?! Vhere is she?!"

"Pietro calm down." Vanda says,

"How the hell can I calm down vhen the love of my life is captured again! And vhile that vas going on some bimbo vas hitting on me I should have been there!" I yell,

"Ve'll get her back don't vorry." She says and I flop down on the couch with a sigh,

"Vhere do ve look now?" I ask,

"I put a tracker in her suit it says she's in an abandoned warehouse at the docks." says Stark and I speed out of there and to the docks vhere my love is I get there and it's empty just her suit lays in the middle of the abandoned varehouse,

"You know I thought Tony vould put a tracker in Paige's suit but I vasn't sure,
Now, this just proves vhat I thought." Says a Russian accent,

"Show your face coward!" I yell,

"Oh but I am." He says and an image pops up on the screen,

" I am Arnhem Zola of HYDRA and I have your precious girlfriend but don't vorry she's in good care by my men, although they did find her quite alluring vhen they stripped her of her clothes." he says and laughs an evil laugh,

"Don't you dare hurt her!"

"Too late." He says and an image of a man punching Paige dressed in a shirt and her underwear appeared on the screen next to Arnhem's screen,

"I'm coming for you baby I promise." I say and punch both screens I then search New York for her, with no luck.

Pietro and Paige Where stories live. Discover now