Chapter Two - Beginning Education

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And you were just like the moon, so lonely, so full of imperfections, but just like the moon, you shone in times of darkness. -C.W.

I heard that four students got in through recommendations and another 36 through the exam which I guess means I am in a class of 20. After the recovery girl had healed Izuku and I, it had taken ages of worrying to get the results but It was worth it. 

They gave out rescue points too, and with my stunt of attempting to save Izuku from hitting the ground I'd gotten 44, that with my 33 had tied me in first place with someone I hadn't heard of and now I was here, UA.

Getting there early I choose a seat at the front left and watch the other students arrive. Many people seemed to feel shy like me, but not the fast one from the entrance exam. He was telling the person behind me off already it appeared. "Take your feet off of that desk now."

I resisted the urge to laugh at how serious he was, probably not much fun at parties.

"You're kidding me right?" The pinecone head sitting behind me fought back. "What, did your old school put a stick up your ass you something?"  at this comment I really did start to laugh
"Oy, who are you laughing at?" Pinecone head began to yell.

"Oh, no one," I reply unfazed by his bristly attitude (not unlike his hair). "Although I don't think there's any problem with him putting his feet on the desk while the teachers are not here," I say facing the fast boy yet again.

"Hey did I ask you to defend me bitch." He begins to shout again before I cut him off

"No, and if you hadn't so rudely interrupted you would have heard I wasn't, as I was going to say it matches your entitled personality, you may have been the best at your last school but here you might not be and you'd better get used to it."

"I won't lose to any scum like you!" He gets even louder, "I came in first in the entrance exam already!"

"Oh, so you're who I tied with, the guy with no rescue points?" I laugh as I say this at the look on his face, he's fuming. "Well you might not, but I like competition, and I think we are going to be friends." 

Just as he looks about ready to explode at me the other boy interrupts. "That's a great idea, I'm Iida from the Sona academy." 

I reply smiling, "I'm Angelica Akuma, but you can call me Angel, you know I think I'm going to like you to Iida, you have conviction in your beliefs, I can respect that, even if I think we may end up disagreeing."

With that everyone turns to look towards the doorway at the last student coming in, Izuku. Iida goes up right away and introduces himself, not wanting to interrupt I stay seated glancing around the classroom again and then I notice him at the back. 

For just a moment, our eyes meet and I'm stunned. One grey and one brilliant blue it feels like my heart is speeding up for a moment and blood rushes to my cheeks as I look back down at my desk. What was this feeling, why was my heart doing this? 

Thankfully right then a man in a sleeping bag appears in the doorway, saving me from further questions.  Our teacher hmmm, how.... strange?
He's very serious and immediately sobers the previously exciting atmosphere of the room. Getting straight to the point he holds up a gym uniform.

"Get this on and meet me outside," he says in a monotone voice as though he doesn't care at all.

As soon as we are all assembled he starts explaining how we will have a physical exam instead of the entrance ceremony - which I personally found a relief, as those things are usually so boring- and how we would be able to use our quirks.

"Bakugo, Akuma," he looks at us as he speaks, "you were tied for first, which one of you would like to volunteer?" 

"I will," Bakugo says immediately and I grit my teeth.

"You all need to know your maximum capabilities," Our teacher continues after Bakugo's throw, "it's the most logical way of assessing your potential as a pro hero." 

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