Part 1: Bar fight

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*Please read the AN at the end of the chapter to know how I did the time line in this story so you don't get confused

Killian's POV
I sighed as a took off my badge and placed it on the counter in my apartment. It had been another banter day of Weaver keeping secrets and me not knowing what the bloody hell is going on. When I found out I was going to be a detective I was excited, but I didn't know it would consist of me just doing Weavers dirty work for him.

But is wasn't only that, I felt like something was missing in my life, and that I wasn't doing what I was meant to be doing. I know that doesn't make any sense, but lately everything just feels off.

My phone buzzes on the table. It's from the station, a fight had broken out a Roni's bar and I was the only one available to take care of it. Since it was a Sunday night, everyone was home with their family's for dinner so I, having no family, was always the one answering these late night calls.

I sighed and grabbed my badge off the counter and headed out the door.

When I got to Roni's I rushed inside and saw no fight. I looked around again and walked up to the counter.

"Excuse me," I said to the brown haired women at the counter, "I was told there was a fight here, have you seen anything?" I asked.

The women looked up at me, "No, I don't think so," she said looking around. "Let me just ask my partner real quick. I've been in the back sorting through supplies but maybe she saw something."

I nodded my head at her as she turned around. I looked down at the message again to make sure I had the right place and when I looked up I was met with the face of the most beautiful women I had ever seen.

"Hey, I'm Anna. You were called here about a fight?" The women asked.

I just stared at her. There was something familiar about her but I couldn't figure it out. She had long blond hair that flowed perfectly around her shoulder and bright green eyes.

I finally shook my head and said, "Umm yes, sorry . Have you seen anything?" I was still unable to take my eyes off of her.

She shook her head as well. "No. I'm sorry, it must of been a false alarm or something," she said smiling lightly. I smiled back. I couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity with her.

"I'm sorry, this is probably awkward but have we met before?" She asked.

I laughed a little. "I don't know, but I don't think I'd ever forget meeting you," I said looking deeply into her eyes.

She laughed lightly. "Well umm well it was nice to meet you..."

"Officer Rogers," I said as I shook her hand. When we touched I felt something weird, like a spark. We both looked down at or hands and pulled them away. She laughed lightly. God she was beautiful.

"I'll see you later," she said. I started to turn and leave but stopped. I turned back around and looked at her.

"Actually, can I ask you something?" I asked.

She looked back up at me. "Sure. What's up?" She asked.

"What time do you get off work?"

Emma's POV-

The question caught me off guard. I couldn't even answer because I was lost on his deep blue eyes. I felt like I had looked in them before and that I had felt his touch before, but that was crazy.

"Umm.." I said failing to hide my smile.

"Right now," Roni said coming up behind me. I turned around and looked at her. She gave me a knowing look and smiled at Rogers.

"How about I get you two some drinks?" She asked.

I turned to Rogers. "Hold on we'll be right back," I said pushing Roni off to the side.

"What do you think your doing?" I asked her.

"I am setting you up with the hot police officer that you obviously are attracted to. I mean come on, we can all see the chemistry!" She said.

I stared at her, my jaw dropping a bit. "Roni!" I said. "I have two kids at home I cannot just go out drinking with some guy!"

"Oh come on Anna, you need to learn to live a little! Take a chance," she said.

I sighed. I felt attracted to this man in a way I couldn't explain, so maybe Roni was right. I needed to take a chance.

"FIne... Okay," I said. I walked back over to Rogers with Roni. "So, how about that drink?" I asked.

Hey guys! Here is the first part to my new story!

Here is what you need to know for the story

-Emma and Hook had two daughters before the curse
-Emma and Hook went back to the new EF when they (somehow) heard that Henry needed help and their children followed them through the portal on accident and that is how they all ended up in this cursed universe.
-The Eloise Gardner story line will not be a thing here because that would just be to confusing lol.
-The curse did not take them back in time.

Thank you for reading!

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