Part 5: Past Scars

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***So I think I'm going to start writing this story mostly in 3rd person POV from now on. I don't really know why I feel the need to change it, but I just feel like it will be easier to write and also sound better. I know it's weird to do this in the middle of a book so I'm really sorry!

What the hell am I doing?

Anna had been asking herself this question over and over again in her head all night.

After her and Daniel's encounter with Lucy, she realized how close they had really become. She had let him in so quickly without even really knowing him at all. She never did that. Not after everything that had happened.

Anna had grown up an orphan, moving through the foster system and running away at any given chance. When Neal came into her life, she finally felt like she belonged, but she now knows it wasn't real. Neal was the first person that was a constant presence in her life, which is why it hurt so much when he left her.

So when she ran into him years later in a bar while celebrating catching a guy for her job, it was easy to make a drunken mistake, which lead to Hannah.

After Neal found out she was pregnant, he really was there for her. Anna truly thought he had changed. He had a good job in the city and seemed to want to be there for her and her unborn child. And considering the fact that he was her first love and the only person to really ever be in her life, she stupidly let him back in.

Only to be let down again when he left after Lila was born.

After all of those events, Anna swore to herself that she would never let anyone hurt her or her daughters again.

But something was different about Daniel. He made her feel so safe, like he would never hurt her or let anybody hurt her. But she had no way of knowing whether or not he was going to hurt her. She had let him in without even realizing it. Damn it Anna.

"You alright love?" Daniel asked as they walked towards my small house.

"Uh, yeah, yeah I'm fine," Anna answered, dragging herself out of her thoughts.

Daniel gave her a look, clearly not believing her. "I know when you're lying Anna," he said.
"You're something of an open book."

"Am I?" Anna asked him.

"Yes, you are. Now do you want to tell me what's wrong? We are friends after all," he said as they stopped in front of her doorstep.

Anna just looked into his deep, blue eyes that were full of care for her. He would never hurt me... right?

"I'm fine, Daniel, really," Anna said, "I'm just tired.

Daniel obviously wasn't buying it but smiled at her anyways. "Well I'm always here if you need me," he said. "I'll see you later love,"

Anna watched as he walked away, wondering what she had gotten herself into.


Daniel was sitting at the counter of his apartment, thinking about the same thing he thought about every night: the beautiful blonde bartender who was quickly working his way into his heart.

Daniel had never had the best of luck with love, and after the death of his ex, Milah, he never wanted to open himself up again.

But there was something about Anna that made him want to forget about all of that. She made him feel so happy and safe in a way he never had before.

But like he had told her earlier that night, she was an open book. He could tell that the mysterious ex-husband she mentioned the night they met did more than just leave, he broke her. However, it also seemed as if she was already broken a bit before that.

Daniel wanted to know more, but if he learned anything from his own past, he knew he shouldn't pry.


Anna walked through the door to her house and was met by her nine year old daughter leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"So, who is he?" Hannah asked as soon as she had closed the door.

"Hannah?? What are you still doing up? Did Mrs. Potter not put you to bed?" she asked trying to avoid the question.

"Come on mom, did you really think I wasn't going to notice?" Hannah asked with a slight smile.

"Notice what?" Anna said, trying to hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"You've been coming in later than usual and you've obviously been happier, so who is he?" Hannah asked again, "And don't try and say that there isn't a guy, I just you you guys out the window."

Damn it

Anna sighed and went and hung her coat up before going and sitting on the couch with her daughter at her heels.

Once they had sat down, Hannah prompted her with a look, telling her to spill. For a nine year old, she sure was smart.

"His name is Daniel Rogers and before you ask, he's just a friend," Anna said, hoping her daughter wouldn't ask anything else. She did not want either of her kids to grow attached to the idea of a father figure and then get let down again, especially since she was planning on trying her hardest to avoid taking their relationship any further than friendship (although her own feelings were objecting to that).

"Are you sure about that? You both seemed pretty smitten from what I saw," Hannah said.

Anna was about to object but Hannah stopped her.

"Mom, not every guy is like my dad. Not every guy is going to hurt you. If you really like this guy, then give him a chance."

Anna sighed, "It's more complicated than that," Anna said, not sure whether she was trying to convince her daughter or herself that.

"Mom, I know you're not good with letting people in, but from what I saw, and heard, he really cares about you," Hannah said.

Anna sighed and smiled at her daughter again, "Are you sure you're only nine years old?" She asked her with a laugh before hugging her and dragging her to bed, Hannah's words still on her mind.

Hey guys! I am so sorry I have not updated in so long! I have been very busy with school but I am going to try and get on some sort of schedule for updates eventually.

Also, in case you don't know, I also have a CS one shot book if you want to check that out :)

And once again, I am very sorry about the POV change, I hope it wasn't confusing!

Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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