Chapter 5

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Fionna's POV.
'He took him Cake, that was not Marshall. He would never hurt anyone like he just did.' Fionna says looking up to Cake with tears continuing to stream down her face.

'There has to be something wrong with him. Maybe his vampire instincts kicked in or something.' She says while Cake slowly helped her to her feet.

'First, we have to take out the rest of the undead army still here and make sure the candy people are safe.' Cake says while gripping Fionna's shoulders trying to snap her back to reality.

Fionna nodded lightly to her as the cat smiled lightly, both taking off down the hall. Taking out the undead that were in their way before both made it outside.

"Fionna look!" Cake shouted as the human looked over to see the gumball guardians on the ground. Their glass heads missing and gum balls spilled everywhere.

Fionna ran over to them with a horrified expression as they were the guardians of the kingdom. And yet they were defeated so easily.

"Oh glob! Please still be alive!" Fionna says as Cake stretches up to their faces seeing them still breathing. The guardian looking to the small cat that was over its face.

"Cake...please put them...back in and...seal it..." the guardian says slowly while moving its hand. Pointing to the crack with the spilled out gum balls. "Fix it...we'll take take...out the army..." The guardian says before their hand landed on the ground.

"But how do we fix that? We don't have anything that would stick their glass back together." Cake says while Fionna stood there thinking before she slammed her hands together. "I have an idea Cake! Stay there with the guardians, I'll be right back!"

Cake nods lightly as Fionna runs off looking around in the kingdom. "It might not work but it's worth a shot. Just need to find her..." Fionna says looking at all the candy people before seeing a huge brown circle.

"Cinnamon Bun!" Fionna yells as the bun turned around, her green dress with matching bow was easy to be spotted. "I need your help, please this might save the guardians." Fionna says as the bun looked up to her before nodding lightly.

"I don't know what I can do but if it will help stop this war, then tell me what to do." Cinnamon Bun says as Fionna smiles lightly before running to where Cake and the guardians were. Cinnamon Bun following as Cake looked over with a confused expression.

"Cinnamon Bun? How is she going to save the guardians?" Cake asked looking up to Fionna as she smiled lightly. "You grow really big and put all the gum balls back into their heads. We will use Cinnamon Buns stickiness to seal back the broken pieces." Fionna says while Cake still had a look of doubt on her face.

"It's worth a shot otherwise more candy people will explode because of them being scared." Fionna says, Cake sighing lightly before smiling lightly. "This is a stupid plan that might just work. You in Cinnamon Bun?" Cake asked looking over to her as she nodded lightly with a determined look.

Cake started to grow in size, beginning to place back the gum balls into the guardians head. Propping then up as she grabbed the shards and placing them back in place. "Let's do this CB!"

Cake grabbed Cinnamon Bum and began to move her along the cracked places. Her stickiness rubbing off and onto the glass. Cake making sure that she got all the cracks before placing Cinnamon Bun Down.

"That's all the cracks and it looks like it's working." Cake says while they watch the guardians slowly stand up. "Thanks CB, I wasn't sure if it would work but your stickiness reminded me of glue." Fionna says as the bun nodded lightly to her. "Glad that I could be of some use."

The guardians all stood there looking to one another before looking down to the three. "Thank you, now we will take out the undead army." They says beginning to fire from their eyes. Cake cheering as Fionna pulled out her sword.

"Come on Cake, let's help them out!" She yelled before running into battle. The cat running after her into the battle of candy people and the undead army.

Gumball's POV.
Eyes opening slowly as his left side felt cold, the room around him was dark with only a small window to show light.

"God, my head..." He said softly going to touched his head but was stopped. Looking down to see his wrists tied together along with ankles tied up as well.

"What the hell? Why am I tied up?" He said softly struggling to get out of he bounds. Seeing it no use as he laid their on his side, breathing softly.

He laid there thinking about what happened before he was knocked out. "Why would you do this Marshall? This isn't like you..." He says softly beginning to feel tears come back.

"This is me though..." A voice called out in a seductive tone. Gumball looking up to meet with two red eyes in the darkness.

"Marshall? What are you doing? Let me go!" Gumball demanded only hearing a laugh come from the red eyes.

"And why would I do that? Your my shinning prize and I won't let anyone hurt you." Marshall says softly before stepping to bars that separated the two.

Gumball eyes widened seeing the seductive and murderous look on Marshall's face. "What are you going to do with me?" He asked seeing the vampire laugh softly.

"The color red doesn't do it much for my appetite anymore. Let's see what bubblegum tastes like..." He says while barring his fans to the candy boy.

"But for now, you'll just have to wait...I got to make sure no one comes looking for you." Marshall says laughing before slowly disappearing into the darkness.

Gumball laid there, shocked by fear of Marshall biting him. "What happened to you...Marshall?" He says softly before hearing light drops of water. Tears falling onto the concrete as he thinks about a friend he just lost.

Chapter five complete! Seems that the Candy Kingdom will be safe because of the guardians. But will Gumball be safe from his vampire 'friend'? Find out in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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