Title: The Jedi Purge: The Terror in a Padawan's Eyes
Description: As a teen-aged Padawan, Kloji Fross is learning the ways of the force a little later than any other Padawan. Even though she is extremely strong in the force, or is said to be by other Masters, she is going a lot slower than Jedi her own age. Soon, though, her life will change forever when the previous Jedi Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side, destroying the temple, along with killing many other Jedi. Will Kloji make it out alive, or will she be one of those many Jedi who find the temple to be their final resting place? And if she does make it, how will she survive with the sith now searching and destroying any and all Jedi they find?
Genre: Science Fiction
Rating: PG
Watty Awards: Yes
Link: http://www.wattpad.com/story/719939-the-jedi-purge-the-terror-in-a-padawan%27s-eyes
Here's is yet another great writer to check out! I hear she doesn't have as many votes or comments as she should. Hmmm... I think you need to fix that! ;) Thank you all who read this story!