Sparring and an invite

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I was really bummed about not having a mission but, I was psyched about sparring with Naruto. I was starring at Naruto studying him and his incredible body. His body shape was perfect. Well it's not like I cared if he wasn't the size he was now I just really loved him especially his cute whiskers. Then Naruto looked over me realizing i was starring at him.

I quickly tried to think of something but I realized something on Naruto's face. I'm just guessing it was the sun or whatever. "Dobe prepare to fail." I said. "Teme shut up I'm obviously gonna win." He said back at me. Kinda cute when he does but whatever.

(Like I said idk how sparring goes) I
threw a kunai knife at Naruto and without using my sharigan Naruto was pretty fast to me. I almost tripped stumbled when Naruto threw it back at me. I have no idea what was going on but I tried making up for it. As Naruto was about to do another frontal attack I dogged it using a substitution justu.

(Time skip)

Training was over so it was time to go home. Then I suddenly felt a shrug on my shoulder. "Sasuke~!" one of my annoying teammates said. "What.." I said coldly back. "Wanna go somewhere fun?" Sakura said high pitched sounding like Lizzie. "Sorry I have plans." I said. "With who and what?" She said. "My plans are none of your business and please stop harassing me." I said. I knew Sakura wasn't going to give up because I usually said stuff like this. Sakura frowned a little then said "Okay then." Then she walked away.

As she walks away I saw Naruto in the opposite direction. I was going to go brag to him about me winning even though it's partly m Kakashi sensei's fault. We had to stay in the sun all day. Instead of boasting I decided to be good person for once and not a prick to Naruto.


As I was on my way to the ramen stand I usually go to I heard a voice. "Hey, Naruto I-" I suddenly interrupted it. "If your here to gloat Sasuke it's no use." I said. "I'm not here to gloat I was trying to be nice but whatever." He said. "Nice? I thought that was hard since your panties are always in a bunch." I told him. "H-hey I can be nice." He stuttered. I thought the Uchiha's were "perfect". Well some of them but hearing Sasuke stutter just sounded kinda cute I guess but felt weird.
"Naruto can I spend the night at your house?" He said. "Sure why not I have nothing better to do plus it's 3:00pm." I shrugged.

Author's Note
Sorry it took a while to update. I had graduated two days ago but since it's summer break I can make more chapters! I hope this chapter didn't bore you.
PS: I will make the next chapter much longer.

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