A new day

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Naruto's POV

It took a few blinks to fully wake up with the sounds of bird chirping and the sunrise in my face. It felt so peaceful. As I went to sit up I felt like I was being locked up by two pairs of arms. I had a flashback of what happened the previous night and blushed.
Realizing that those arms are the arms of my boyfriend that I love.

Since yesterday was our day off I had a realization that today was the mission! I tried to get free from the big limbs holding me back and luckily I was able to get free. I thought about waking Sasuke up but he would probably get ready in a matter of seconds somehow. Just as I was about to fully stand up I had a sudden strike of pain hit me in my back.
"Ouch!" I winced in pain as I fell to the floor.

Just as I fell I heard a groan.
"Mm.. Naruto.." I heard.
Sasuke was probably just now waking up.

Sasuke's POV

I was fast asleep dreaming about how I would be a jonin and Naruto would be a hokage in the future only to be woken up by loud thud.
"Mm.. Naruto.." I said, as I was feeling around the side of the bed Naruto was sleeping on.
I rubbed my eyes and saw that the covers were almost on the ground.
"Down h-here.." Naruto said as he was on the floor rubbing his back.
"Are you okay?" I said a bit worried.
"Yeah I'm fine.. I think anyways." He replies which made me a bit more worried.
I picked him up and placed him on the bed as he tried to stretch out his back.

"Alright, we have to get ready for our mission."
Naruto said yawning.
"Let me help you get ready then, then I'll get ready." I told him cause he looked like his back hurt especially from falling on the floor.
"It's okay. Just get dressed and make me something to eat cause I'm hungry." He said which made me kind of chuckle.
"Alright then, I'll be doing that now."

Time skip

I placed two plates of eggs on the table with one slice of bread on each plate. Naruto had a bit of a bigger portion that I did. Somehow all the ramen he eats haven't gone to his stomach, although it most likely went to his head instead.

Two minutes later Naruto walked up to the table to sit down on the floor.
"Wow thanks Sasuke! Smells good." Naruto said while beaming which made me feel a little happy inside.
"No problem." I said not trying to seem so overjoyed.
"Alright we don't want to spend to much eating-"
I wasn't even done with my sentence and Naruto was finished.
"Hehe I guess I'm done!" Naruto said giggling.
Boyfriend or not, Naruto is always himself.

I finished up my breakfast while Naruto was counting the money from his toad like wallet.
We used the teleportation jutsu to get close enough to walk together from the meet up spot out team usually meets up at. Me and Naruto walked for about 2 minutes talking about random things, too random for me to remember.

We walked up to the usual meeting spot to see Kakashi and Sakura already there. I'm sure me and Naruto weren't late.
"There you two are!" Sakura said running up to me attempting to hug me but I blocked her hug and went on the other side of Naruto.
"Alright kiddos we'll have one more person joining as today! A favor from the sand village, Gaara will be joining us shortly." Kakashi sensei said walking up to the three of us.

Ah shit, here we go again. As much as I re... re... respect... Gaara for skills, I mean becoming kazekage at such a young age, although I'm not sure why he was with Sai at the market. He was probably being watched by his men and I'm not sure about Sai being at the market. Besides all of that I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous about the way Gaara looks at Naruto sometimes.
No no no, Sauske you don't need to be jealous. Naruto can handle himself? Maybe, I'm just hoping for the best we get this mission over with and it's done!

Shortly after a cloud of smoke appeared and it was Gaara. Everyone said greetings and what not then Kakashi explained the plan.
"Okay guys, our target is Soma Dojima. He kidnapped two twins, girl and boy. Their names are Higashi and Namagashi. They are the children of Kingu Otomi."
Why are their names deserts? Did this guys like sweets so he named his children after them?

"By the look of Sasuke's confused face, yes they are named after sweets. Their father is somewhat overweight, just ignore it. Anyways our ninja believe the twins are held captive in shack near the barrier walls." Kakashi sensei said.
"The most important thing about Soma Dojima is that he is skilled in genjitsu." He added.

"Sigh.. why does it have to be genjitsu.." Naruto groaned.

Author's Note

I haven't posted in a lonnngggg time. I know this is short but I wanted to post and get it out of the way. I should probably quit this book but I really wanna finish it. Also stay safe from the Coronavirus.

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