Jealousy and the fake truth

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this mf is edited because apparently it seemed like Naruto was the seme. So if for some reason ur reading back then go on. love y'all tho <3


You know that ramen stand Naruto is always trying to drag me to? Well duh 🙄. One question, why is Sasuke there with Naruto? I wonder what that ding dong would have to say to such an high achiever. Might as well stalk from a bush.

I couldn't hear to much..

But these are some things I did hear.

"Naruto can I spend the night at your house?" Sasuke said. "Sure why not I have nothing better to do plus it's 3:00pm." Naruto replied back.
I've been noticing some weird things lately. Sasuke has been paying more attention to Naruto than me! Which is so odd. Something weird.


I can't believe what I just did. Wow. I wonder what will happen.

After Naruto destroyed that.. that.. mess (ramen) ugh. What makes ramen so appealing to people? So weird. Anyways we walked back to Naruto's place.

Time skip in front of NARUTO'S house ( 5:00 pm lmao)

"Hey dobe, these steps look weir- " "AHH!" Naruto yelled. Before anything happened my reflexes kick in. "What was that!" I said. "Sorry, it's just that this house is a little rusty..." he said. "A little?.." I said. "Whatever teme.." he replied.
A few seconds later, I realized what my own reflexes did.
I pushed Naruto against the wall.

My face felt like it was burning because I felt embarrassed. Naruto was looking to the side and I could feel the awkwardness in the air. His ears started to turn red.
Just as I was gonna attempt to kiss him I was interrupted.

"Why did you wanna come over anyways..?" Naruto asked.
I pulled my face back nervously and answered him.
"Well for some reason I felt this strange aura at home.." I lied.
I didn't wanna be alone.
Wow and I would think Naruto would be the one really lonely. Or that desperate. (He is the nine tails)
I had desperation to not be alone again. I really did.
"I kinda felt like that too!" He said. If only his feelings were the same.
"Well lets go inside!" We walked inside.

"Wow I didn't know you lived in a trash can."
"Whatever." Naru is cute when he gets all defensive. "Why the hell is there so many ramen cups.." i asked in confusion.
"Thats what i eat all the time." He said.
"No wonder why your so short.." I laughed. "BAKA I AM NOT SHORT."
"You are alnost shorter than Sakura." I said.

~Time skip~ 10:00pm

"Time for bed.." i said sleepy. "Well I don't have a couch and i doubt you woukd want to sleep on the floor.." Naruto said. "So you can sleep on the floor or take my bed." He added.

I did not want to sleep on the floor. Also i didn't want to sleep alone. I was debating with my self.

"What about with you?" I blurted our on accident. Shit. What do I do.. then i must correct myself. "Dobe I meant- "
"Sure." Naruto interrupted.

My face went completely red. Naruto is so innocent. If I told him I liked him it would freak him out.. but someone could swoop in and take whats mine! Well not mine...


So me and Naruto got into bed. "Goodnight Sasuke."

"Goodnight Naruto."

But I was still awake... I had to tell him. But it's.. fuck it.

"Hey Naruto?"

"Yeah Sasuke?"

"I need to tell you something but don't freak out.."


"I love.."

"I love.."

I was hesitating. I decided to stop. I should wait. I can't do this now.

"Never mind Goodnight.

"Oh, well goodnight Sasuke."

Then I set my eyes and drifted off to a slumber..

Hey guys! It's meeeeeeee. Sorry for taking a while. I needed ideas. But I have a question. Choose between two names.

Sai Or Gaara.

If I don't decide (probably it will be random choose) so yeah I'm gonna try to start working on another chapter. Sorry if this was too short. Now adios y'all :)

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