05 Ξ Revelation (BWWM)

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Something bound his arms and legs.

It was the first thing to come to mind when he finally woke up.

Cole struggled to move, but something prevented him from doing so. Disorientation gripped him as soon as his eyes pried themselves open. Shadows danced throughout the dark room as flames clicked and popped inside the fireplace.

Man, it's too fucking hot. His mind struggled to understand why he was so warm. No matter how he tugged to free himself, nothing worked to release his limbs.

Cole's sixth sense hadn't picked up any signs of danger. He was sure he had no recognition of the environment. It was only when he caught a whiff of something sweet and delicious that his mind became so easily distracted.

A loud growl rumbled from his stomach in response to the aroma forcing him to work a little harder to scan his surroundings. In his focus to locate the source of the scent, it hadn't gone unnoticed that he recognized nothing near him. Cole, however, came to realize that he was lying on the floor.

For an instant, his thoughts were distracted by the fire's shadow as it danced and flickered on the ceiling, commanding his still somewhat unfocused attention.

In those moments of reflection, Cole came to notice a pressure that ran down the full length of his right side. After a bit of shifting about, he discovered the pressure was that of a body lying right next to him.

"What the fuck is going on?" He heard his voice whisper out loud.

After the bullshit Bruce had put him through, Cole wasn't sure if he had jumped out of a frying pan and into a fire.

The last thing he clearly remembered was crawling from the ditch onto the road after that stupid little son-of-a-bitch betrayed him. A vision of that cock sucking asshole stabbing him in his back and leg flooded his memories. To add insult to injury, Cole was tossed out of a moving vehicle as if one of the vehicle's occupants decided to casually litter a country fucking road with what they believed was a dead body.

To think he trusted that back stabbing piece of shit to help him.

Now, he was forced to consider if Bruce and his goons came back to retrieve him. If so, what were they planning? And if it wasn't that scummy little fucker, whose house was this? Each questioned raced behind his eyes as he struggled to better comprehend his situation.

Based on what he could make out, the place appeared to be draped in all feminine decor. Not to mention, it smelled like his Aunt May's house. His mind raced to determine if it was a home he had visited in his past and if so, who did it belong to.

There was only one problem with his belief that he was in a woman's home. Cole wasn't aware of one single woman who could lift him from the ground. That was just impossible.

Oh shit!

That realization prompted Cole's eyes to strain wide open as a conclusion sank into his head.

He figured he must be in some fucking faggot's house. With that, he began to kick and struggle. Cole knew he had to get out of the shit he was in.

Since the person lying next to him was in his blindsight, there wasn't a way for him to turn over and knock the crap out of them to get the upper hand.

An object had been tucked in a way to run from his shoulder down to just below his waist making it impossible for him to turn back to his right side. Being bound and his movements limited, Cole began to freak the fuck out just thinking about some fruit loop getting cozy with him. That shit wasn't a part of his life when he was locked up, and it damn sure wasn't about to start now.

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