08 Ξ Temptation (BWWM)

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As the days flew by, Cole felt himself changing in a way he couldn't explain. 

He considered leaving her place, but life presented too many dead ends without money and nowhere else to go. Moreover, Kansas City was no longer a safe place. Those who believed they had killed him would most likely do everything in their power to make sure he didn't walk out alive the second time around.

Cole lay his head back on the pillow and drifted away until his urges plucked him out of his peaceful slumber. Batting his eyes further drove out the sleep as he scanned the room for her. When his eyes landed on her, she was sound asleep.

"Hey, Angel," he called her name. She lay there sleeping like a baby until he said her name louder. "Angel!" She heard her name being yelled out in her dreams. Her eyes flew open, and in slight disorientation, she jumped up. She nearly stumbled into him as she crossed the short distance to the sofa to see what was going on. He instantly regretted waking her up that way, but he needed her help.

"What's wrong?" She asked as her groggy words responded to his call.

"I need to go... you know," He looked at her with frustration pressing his face.

Angel quickly came up to speed as she realized he needed to relieve himself. She wasted no time helping him to stand while offering his left-side support. They moved as fast as his range of motion would permit as she walked with him to the bathroom. It was still an impossible task for him to stand on his own so her assistance was gladly accepted.

Angel peered up to his face to gauge Cole's pain. Upon reaching the bathroom, her eyes fixed themselves to the ceiling as he used his left hand to pull down the jogging pants and take care of his baser needs.

When he finished, she helped him adjust his clothes. Angel leaned over to flush before they both washed their hands. They carefully made the short trek back to the couch where she noticed sweat forming across his forehead and top lip. The grunting sounds she heard under his voice told her that he was still in quite a bit of pain prompting Angel to retrieve a bottle of Scotch she had hidden from herself years ago.

"Would you like a drink to ease the pain?" She offered.

"Yes. Please," he replied through gritted teeth.

Angel handed him a full glass as she read the visible signs of his discomfort. With his skin taking on a clammy gray hue, she grew concerned that he very well might pass out at any moment. After taking a few sips of the dark amber brown liquor, color began to liven up the tone of his skin. Host and guest lost themselves in the awkward silence as they sipped on the fiery beverage and focused on their own lives.

"How long have you lived out here?" Cole asked his host.

"I've lived here for five years."

"How old are you?" He continued.

"I'm 34," She responded.

"Why do you live alone?"

"Is this a job interview? I think I missed that memo." She chuckled.

"Sorry, it's a force of habit. In my life, I always needed to know exactly who was around me and why?"

There was a subtle pause as she turned away from his response. When she raised her head, Angel's face had taken on a vacant expression. That stare was familiar to him. Living a life full of loss and strife, Cole was all too familiar with the outward expressions of grief and tragedy. He was equally accustomed to pretending he was okay for the sake of others.

"It's a long story, but I will give you the shorter version. Simply put, my grandma died and I was in no position to visit her before she left me. Shortly after that, my fiancé passed away. It was all too much for me to handle so I distanced myself from everyone because I no longer wanted any part of my old life. Everything I was before I came here vanished as if it never existed," Angel spoke the words with the blood draining from her face giving her the appearance of a cold lifeless granite stone.

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