07 Ξ Awakening (BWWM)

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Never lie with animals, and always remember blacks are the worst animals of all.

It was a lie.

There was no other way to put it other than to say that his uncle misled him and so many others.

The longer he watched the daily activities of the black woman who saved him, his uncles teachings about black people being lazy seemed out of place in her house.

Angel worked long hours all by herself. 

On the rare occasions when she worked half a day, she busied herself by delving into one book after another. Often, she offered to share those stories by reading aloud to include Cole in her past time. For him, it was a strange way to relax because he couldn't recall the last time anyone read a story to him.    

He didn't particularly enjoy the idea of listening to someone reading to a grown man until he caught himself eagerly anticipating the next time she would pickup a thick novel and the adventure would begin as her voice rose and fell.

The stories featured events that had taken place in the States, but quite a few of them took him on one exotic journey or another. The way she read them created pictures in his mind allowing him to envision her descriptions as if her words had come to life. Those nights included drifting away to foreign lands while losing himself to the highs and lows of a siren's voice as she spun her tales. Feeling drawn into her stories without a bit of control was initially unnerving, but soon Cole began to experience the stir of unexplored emotions and questions regarding the numerous uncharted waters in those worlds.

"How do you feel?" The warm voice drew him out of himself.

"Honestly, I feel much better. Thanks," Cole quickly replied.

The knowledge he gained by observing Angel told him that everything he once believed about black people needed to be scrutinized.

Taught that niggers were lazy liars, all the men in his family believed that anyone not white was an enemy to this country. His uncle once taught him and others that black people would kill you if given half a chance. At that time, no matter what happened, he was assured that the Aryan Brotherhood would always have his back.

He heard those messages for as long as he could remember. Now at thirty-eight years old, he was beginning to see just how wrong those beliefs were.

He had to face up to the fact that his whole life was one big lie. This woman showed him more dignity and respect than he had ever experienced around his family and friends.

Her house was peaceful and pleasant. 

How could he admit what was on his mind and in his heart to anyone? It was hard for him to acknowledge or believe, but every day he spent with her showed him the truth. He had never felt tranquility until he woke up in a hidden haven.

Even still, he could hear the words of his uncle Jedidiah ringing in his ears. From the time he was six until his uncle died a few years ago, Jedidiah Henry McGregor always told Cole not to mingle with mongrels.

The entire time he was in prison, he abstained from sex because his rearing taught it was wrong for a man to fuck another man. But it seemed that some of his so-called brethren missed that lesson because they didn't hesitate to fuck sissies. It was funny how many of their teachings suddenly became nonexistent by the Brotherhood inside their cells. Those filthy motherfuckers saw any piece of ass as ass, plain and simple. They turned into perverted deviants who could care less about color, race, or religion. Hell, the worst part of the nightmare he lived behind those fucked up prison walls happened when Cole was approached by one particularly nasty son-of-a-bitch. He nearly ripped the man's head off when the sick fucker, an Aryan Brother, offered to let Cole fuck him. That shit went against every damn thing the Aryan Brotherhood stood for. Their founders distinctly called out those acts as criminal because a white man's seed belonged to a white woman specifically to fortify their population. 

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