Chapter 6

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please do not read. I am going to be rewriting this chapter tomorrow and most likely adding more to chapter five. It is really late and I am too tired to let my mind work any longer. 

Thank you to all of you who are still following my stories, especially this one. I hope to get this book going and finished over the next few months and I just know it will be an awesome book. 

Chapter 6:

As we got back to her house it is already dark outside. We pull into her long drive way, Everett comes to meet us outside, "How on Earth did you girls manage you fit all these bags into the car?" He questions once he sees the back seat. I must admit, it wasn't an easy task. We couldn't even see out the back window as she drove us home.

Carolyn had me buy everything I might need. I pretty much bought an entirely new wardrobe. Also curling irons, flat irons, make-up, and perfume, like I said anything I might need. "Blake, would you like to stay here in the main house tonight or at the guest house? We have a spare room here." I look at Everett and say, "I will stay here if that is alright. I will just need to get my bags from the hotel tomorrow. I am too exhausted to do anything else tonight."

"You do look extremely worn out. Would you like anything to eat or drink before we get you settled into the guest room for the night?" He asks me after he puts our shopping bags down in the living room."No thank you, but could you tell me where the bathroom is please?" I ask looking around the room.

The living room is decorated in red, black and gold. The couches are black leather, the coffee table and end tables are also black. The throw pillows are a mixture of either red or gold, and some contain both colors. The curtains over the windows match the pillows. On the wall across from the couches, there is a very large, flat screen TV. "Yes, it is right this way," Everett replies back to my question, leading me down the hall that is off to the side of the living room.

In the hallway there are a few pictures. The one that catches my eye is the one of Everett and Carolyn. They must have been in their teens because they look young. The picture next to it is over them on their wedding day. Continuing down the short hallway, he stops in front of a door. Pointing to it, he tells me that this one is the bathroom and the door next to it is the room I will be staying in. As he is walking off, he turns back to me to say that Carolyn will be putting my bags in the room.

When I get done washing my face, I make my way into the room I will be staying in. Opening the door that is slightly cracked, I see Carolyn has set out a pair of pajamas that I got today, on the bed for me. Quickly changing, I turn the light out and dive into the warm bed and pull the blankets over me. The bed is soft and cozy, just like the room. The theme in this room is a delicate floral pattern with lavender and cream as the colors. Other than that, I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the room.

Lying here, I can't help but think of my baby that is growing inside me. I am having a baby boy, a son. It feels great just saying that. I wonder what he will look like. I really hope he takes after me, with blond hair and blue eyes. Then again, he will be adorable no matter what he looks like.

Waking up the next morning all I can think about it the delicious smell that is floating through the air. Bacon, sweet juicy bacon. All of a sudden bile rises up to my throat. Putting a hand over my mouth, I run out of the room and into the bathroom. I'm my haste rush out of the room, I heard Carolyn say something along the lines of how she was just coming to get me up for breakfast.

When I feel like I am done emptying the contents of my stomach, I stand up and rinse my mouth out with mouthwash I found under the sink. Making my way out into the hall, I see Carolyn standing just outside the door. Raising her eyebrow, she asks me if I am alright. Telling that I was fine, I go on to tell her that I am starving. Laughing at me, "Well I would assume so, I don't think you have anything left inside that stomach of yours," she replies.

Breakfast was wonderful. After we ate, we got dressed and went to retrieve my belongings from the hotel. When I got all my things together and back into my suitcases, I went back down stairs and out to the car to load my things into the trunk. When I arrived at the car, I saw Lucy standing next to the driver side window talking to Carolyn.

When Lucy notices my arrival, she stands up all the way, from her crouched position, and straightens herself out. Looking at me, she asks, "How would you like a job?"

"I would love a job, are you hiring at your diner?" I question her.

"As a matter of fact we are. You would be doing a lot of what I normally do. Mainly just seating customers and working the cash register. Oh! And trying out my new menu ideas," she states with a wink.

"Sounds great! When do you want me to start?" I can't believe I have a job. I haven't even gone out to look for one yet! She asks me how the following week is okay for me. That way I can get adjusted to the new school and have time to settle into my new home. Letting her know that it will work out great for me that way, I get into Carolyn's car.

After Lucy walks away and Carolyn begins to drive, I look to her and demand, "Did you do that?" Feigning innocence she asks, "Do what?"

"You know what. Did you set that up?" I question her impatiently. "No, she asked me if you wanted to get a job and told me how she has an open position that would be great for you."  I guess I will believe her, but I am still suspicious.

"So, where to now?" Carolyn asks me about five minutes into the drive. "I would like to stop by the grocery store. That way I can get food for my new home."


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