20: dad

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"Dad? Dad, I'm home!" Jaemin called when he kicked off his worn out sneakers and walked into the living room. His father was sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper. Jaemin walked around his Dad to sit down on the other side of the couch. "I'm home—" Jaemin repeated but gasped when his father took the newspaper off his face.

His usually well-groomed father had a massive cut on the left side of his cheek and a bruise under his right eye.

"What happened to your face?" Jaemin asked and looked at him with a confused look in his eyes. "Guess who did it, you son of a bitch." His father growled and Jaemin gulped. "Mum." - "Exactly." Jaemin looked around. His mother should be with Hyunjin right now. But something didn't feel right. "Where's Mum?" Jaemin asked and looked around the living room once more.

There were droplets of blood on the floor, ripped fabric and shatters of porcelain.

"Dad, where's Mum?" Jaemin said, now louder. His father laughed and stood up, throwing his arm around Jaemin's shoulder. "She's sleeping. Where else should she be?" His father asked and violently dragged his son towards the bedroom of the parents.

There was blood everywhere and Jaemin felt sick to the stomach. "Let me go," Jaemin growled when someone knocked on the front door violently. "Mr. Na!" A voice yelled out from the other side and Jaemin recognized the voice of Hyunjin.

"Let me go, Dad!" Jaemin now screeched and tried to get his buff father from him, but the man only dragged him towards the bedroom. He kicked the door of the room open and Jaemin let out a scream once he saw his Mum. "M-Mum!" He yelled and ran towards her.

Her face was ruined and her body was severely hurt. There were bruises everywhere.

She wore a ripped T-Shirt and her long skirt was ripped. Her leg looked like it was broken. "Son!" His Mother cried out through a shirt, that was wrapped around her mouth. Jaemin crawled over to her, his head was pounding. "What have you done to her?!" Jaemin screamed and turned around to his father who was laughing at the scene.

"How cute. The son came to protect his mother. Cute." His father spits toxic words and the banging on the door became even louder. Hyunjin was trying to break in. But Jaemin had no chance to flee. And he definitely couldn't leave his mother here.

"Let us go," Jaemin said and that must've triggered something in his father as the huge man bulged forward and wrapped his hands around Jaemin's neck. "Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. No one loves you and no one wanted you anyways."

Jaemin gasped but no air was coming through. He was kicking around, trying to beat his father; to get him off. But Jaemin wasn't strong enough. His mother was trying to pull him off her son, but she was not strong either. A bang in the distance showed that the door was finally open and Hyunjin rushed into the house, police officers right behind him.

Jaemin tried to get his father off him once more when his vision got blurry and his eyes rolled back. His arms lost any strength and fell beside his body when the police officers pulled his father off him. "Jaemin!" His mother cried behind the T-Shirt in her mouth but the police took her away from the boy.

Hyunjin leaned over Jaemin and checked his vitals. "He's still breathing!" He shouted before looking at the woman and the man that were Jaemin's parents. Hyunjin nodded towards the police officers that took his mother away from the crime scene.

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