15: it's okay to seek help

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"Thanks for picking me up."

Donghyuck climbed into the passenger seat of his stepdads Mercedes. "No biggie." The man spoke and looked at Donghyuck. "What's with your head? Did you got into a fight?" He looked at Donghyuck who touched his forehead, feeling the plaster the nurse had stuck on. "Only a confrontation with Jeno. It's ok." Donghyuck said and waited for his stepdad to start the engine but the man looked at Donghyuck and sighed.

"Your mother," he said and Donghyuck looked at him. "She left us."

Donghyuck looked at his Stepdad. "She got pregnant?" - "How did you know?" His Stepdad looked confused and Donghyuck only chuckled. "The last time she slapped me she told me she wants a new child. I guess she finally got what she wanted." Donghyuck looked at his hands.

A question was burning on his tongue but he couldn't get the courage to ask his Stepdad. "Do I... Do I—" His voice broke and he sighed looking at his hands once more. His life was going to be hell-like these next few days and he didn't even have Renjun to help him through this mess.

Donghyuck watched his Stepdad drive skillfully through the streets of Seoul until they finally reached their house. 

The lights were off and once Donghyuck entered with his Stepdad he sighed. It was weird not getting greeted by his Mother. Even if she was always harsh to him. He watched his Stepdad walk into his office and started to descend into his own room as well.

The steps to his room felt steeper than usual and when he finally managed to close the door behind him he started crying. Donghyuck never cried. He drank and caused trouble, but he never cried.

But today a lot happened. He fought with Jeno, Renjun got hurt and his mother ... left him. Donghyuck didn't even know if his Stepdad would want to keep him. He never adopted the boy when his Mother and his Stepdad got together. 

Donghyuck sat on his bed and held his head. How could his life turn into even more of a hell?

After crying for at least ten minutes Donghyuck sighed and grabbed his phone. He never thought he would do this so soon but calling Jaemin was more healing than any trip. 

"So you decided to talk to me again?" Jaemin's voice sounded strained and Donghyuck could hear other kids yell in the background. "Jaemin, please," Donghyuck said and sighed. "My Mum is gone and I don't know if I can stay with my Stepdad. I don't know if he wants to raise the child of a homewrecker and I don't know where my Mum is and, and—" Donghyuck's voice broke and the boy looked at his hands.

"I'll send you a number where you can reach out for help. It's okay to seek help. I promise." Jaemin said and hung up after a kid in the background had called his name.

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