Chapter Three

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Isabella's POV**

I woke up by the sound of a missed call. I picked up my phone and saw that I have 15 missed calls from Lauren and also 30 texts. I sighed and called Lauren. It was 7 in the freaking morning! She better have a good reason. She picked up and I yelled,"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Finally you pick up!" She said. Did she not look at the time?

"What's so fucking important?" I demand. I am NOT a morning person.

"What's so important? Get on Twitter! Now!"She screams excitedly. I sigh and rush to my computer and log onto my Twitter. I see someone has tweeted me. I read the tweet and screamed. Niall Horan tweeted me! And he followed me! He also called me beautiful! I jumped up and down on my bed and screamed happliy. I remember Lauren still being on the phone and I say,"OMG!" I scream louder. This is the best feeling ever!

"I know right! Now when you and Niall get together, hook me up with Harry," She giggles. That girl....

I'm so excited! I can't believe it! He actually repiled back! Did he know I was from the mall? Oh my god! I'm so happy right now! My heart is beating 100 times faster! "EPPPP!" I shriek with joy. Me and Laurn talked on the phone for hours about Niall and the boys, and how excited we were. I hung up around ten o' clock. 

I wonder if Niall Horan will reply if I send him a direct message. I click the DM button and messaged to that beautiful boy,"Hey Niall. I would like to say thank you. You are my idol! I really wish I could meet you. Unfortunately, I doubt you would want to meet me. I'm just another fan. Hell, you probably won't each read this. Anyways, you're amazing. xoxo." and clicked send. My smiled faded when I went to all the DM's that girls send me. First one said,"You slut! You are not beautiful! Niall is mine!" and others were worse. I sighed and shut off my computer. I layed there wondering what to do. 

Niall's POV**

I woke up and smelled bacon. Food. I bolted to the kitchen where I found the boys eating. I grabbed at least 20 pieces of bacon and sat down with them. I looked up and saw that they were all smirking at me. "What?" I asked.

"Our little Niall has a crush," Louis said with a huge grin and everyone else nodded. Wait, what?

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"That girl off of Twitter, you called her beautiful! Which means you're in love," Liam and Louis mocked me. Harry laughed and I sighed to myself.

"That doesn't mean anything, guys! Calling someone beautiful is just a compliment. it's not like I actually like her," Or do I?

"Niall, grow a penis and accept the fact that you like her," Harry smirked. My god, i give up!

"How do you grow a penis? Do you plant them? Are there seeds to grow a penis?" Zayn asked. Everyone stared at him, confused. Really Zayn? Really?

"It's a figure of speech, dipface!" Harry said and hit Zayn playfully. Soon Liam, Harry, Louis, and Zayn argued on how to grow a penis. They weren't really paying attention to me so I say bye and went to my room. I logged onto Twitter and saw a DM from @SimplyElla8D. I smiled and clicked the messgae. I read her message and repiled,"Why can't we meet? I would love to meet you. i'd be lucky to meet one of the prettiest girls in the world," and clicked send. 

Isabella's POV**

My iPod got a alert from Twitter. I sat up and saw that Niall replied to my message. Oh my god! He repiled! I didn't think he would! I clicked the message excitedly and read it. He wants to meet me! He called me pretty! I screamed into my pillow. I'm so happy. I don't want this conversation to die so I repiled quickly. "You really want to meet me?"

"Of course," he repiled. I almost died there for a second. I pinched myself and knew it wasn't a dream! He repiled again and said,"Meet you at the mall? This time I will wear a better disguise. :)" I giggled.

"Meet you there in 20 minutes...?"


I did a little happy dance and realized something. I quickly called Lauren and told her the news. We both screamed with joy for 2 minutes straight! I was so excited! I don't think my heart can take it. She said she couldn't wait for me to tell her what happens. I hung up and realized something. I was meeting Niall Horan in 20 minutes.....Oh no. I have to look pretty! I jumped into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on light makeup. I grabbed a hairtie and put my hair in a messy bun. I put on some demin shorts and a  cute shirt from Forever 21. I smiled at my appearance and looked at the time. I have 5 minutes left to meet him. I grabbed my phone and headed over to the mall. 

This is going to be interesting. Very interesting. 

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