Chapter Five

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Hahah ;3 Love you guys...Anyways...

Hello everyone! Kenzie here! I would like to say thanks for everyone who read, voted, fanned, and commented on this story! I can't believe how I got this far. You are truely awesome. So props to you :)


Here it is: On Twitter, we all know Lauren and Ella have twitters. But every story needs an enemy! So whoever has the scariest/meanist DM to Ella will be put in the story as the enemy! And when I mean  'mean' I mean like "stay away from Niall or else!" and other crap. Hahah Thank you!

So I shall start the next chapter, hopefully it's long enough. Because I'm taking a break this weekend and will most likely update this story Monday or Tuesday. Thank you :) 

Btw, if you are a Jenna Marbles fan, you should like my friend's page: :)

Anyways let's get to this fucking story already!


Niall's POV**

I've been hanging out with Isabella for a couple hours now. She's she beautiful, I can't explain it. The way she speaks, the way she laughs, the way she smiles, the way she walks, and pretty much everything about her is amazing. I really do like her. Wait, Niall, hold up. You barely know her. She probably has a celebrity crush on you but if you told her you liked her this early, she would think you were just playing mind games with her. Don't tease her.

I kept arguing with myself mentally but forgot that I was talking to Isabella. Damn it, nice going Niall. "I'm sorry. say that again," I asked.

"I said, I am glad I got to hang with you today. It was really fun! Who knew a celebrity could be so cool. I really like you, Niall," She whispered the last part quietly. I smiled but it soon faded when I realized that I can't go out with her. I can't like her. I just can't. She is just another fangirl, and I'm sure there are plenty of other girls like her. So why her? I sighed and stood up. "Did I say something?" She asked with a frown. I hate it when she frowns. 

"I don't like you, okay?" I said with so much regret. What the hell, Niall! But I had to tell her. "You're cool and all're just another fangirl," I meet with her eyes as tears ran down her cheek. Oh Niall, why did you just do that? I sighed in frustration. Face it Niall, you do like her. you just can't tell her that. What the hell, am I bipolar or something?

"Oh," Was all she could say. I did the next thing I could think of. I walked away like nothing happened. But something did happen. Something bad. And I will regret for the rest of my life.

Isabella's POV**

I stood there crying. Like an idiot. Why? Because he is just another celebrity. Another celebrity that doesn't care. I should have known. Why the hell did I think I would ever get a change with Niall Horan? I sighed and walked back to my car. Who knew it could hurt so badly. Getting rejected by a someone famous makes you feel horrible about yourself, right?

Lauren still doesn't know I met Niall at the mall. She would probably freak out if I told her. I tell her when I get home. All the emotions just rushed out of me while I was driving. I'm so fucking stupid! I told him I liked him and now he thinks I'm a complete idiot! Damn it! 

I hit the steering wheel really hard. But he didn't have to be a dick about it! In that moment, I never felt so lonely and lost, so I decided to call Lauren to make myself feel better. Maybe she will help me through this. I grabbed my phone and dialled her number quickly. 

"Hey Ella!" Lauren chirped through the phone. "Ellaboo?" She asked again to make sure I answered.

"Hi," i said in a weak voice. Damn this tears!

"Oh my! What's wrong? Whose ass do i have to kick?" She asked concerned, but also anger.

"Promise me you won't freak," I told her as I wiped the tears off my face. She agreed and in that moment I froze. What was I suppose to say? I took all my might to tell her the story. So I did. I told her everything. From the tweets, to the crying. It seemed pretty stupid to explain, but I'm glad Lauren understood. She seemed angry but excited at the same time. Angry because she thought Niall acted like a total dick. Excited because I met Niall Horan.

"I can't believe it! What a dick! A total hot fucking dick!" She yelled through the phone. "How about we have a girls night? I'll bring the Transformer movies and bring the popcorn! We are going to your house because it has a better tv," She said. Watching Shia on a flat screen with my best friend seemed like a pretty good night to me. But not enough to make me stop feeling stupid. Stop thinking about it Ella! It'g going to make you cry even more!

"Sounds good," I tried to sound happy at least. I hung up and concentrated on my driving. It took a couple of minutes, but I managed to make it home alive. I stepped out of my car with tears still dripping down my face. Pull yourself together Ella!

I walked inside and saw Lauren chilling on the couch with everything ready. There was popcorn and candy in separate bowls on the coffee table, while the movie was be ready to be played. I smiled as Lauren came and hugged me hard. 

"I wish I could kick his famous ass," She whispered in my ear and I chuckled. I hope I can forget everything that has happened. It seems it keeps giving me stress. Me and Lau sat down and watched the movie while eating mouth-watering popcorn.

Niall's POV**

I'm sitting alone in my room. The boys went out to bowl but I just stayed here. I don't feel like getting up. I can't believe I made her cry. Well there is only one thing left to do. She might think she still has a chance, but she can't. I grabbed my phone and made a DM to her to make sure she won't like me. I typed in 'Stop crying, okay? I'm a celebrity and don't need to be seen around you.' and clicked send. It hurts to even think about it. I know how much I hurted her. But I have to.

I didn't want to look at her response. It's probably something heartbreaking, so I turned off my phone and went to take a nap. A nap won't help at all. But I need to get my mind off of things. 'I'm so sorry Isabella' I thought to myself.

Isabella's POV**

My phone went off and I checked it. It was another tweet and it was from Niall. I smiled to myself. Maybe he was trying to appologize about what happened today. I clicked the DM for me and my smiled turned into a frown. I threw my phone across the room and tears started flowing down my face. I couldn't tell a word Lauren was saying because all i heard was a loud, beating heart. I couldn't focus.

I ignored Lauren and ran outside and got into my car. I had to get out. I had to get away from all of this. I need to think, alone. Tears kept pouring out of my eyes and everything was blurry. Fuck! Stop crying, Ella! I kept telling myself, but it wouldn't stop. The pain was worse this time. What a dick! I closed my eyes. But that was the biggest mistake in my life. As soon as I opened my eyes, I foudn myself about to hit a tree. It was too late, because glass shattered everywhere and blood raced down my arms and legs. I heard screaming, then everything went black.

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