BEN x reader part 1

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If I have any spelling mistakes dm @alpha_ariella

I was getting ready to go the gymnastics. I was wearing

(Its green not pink)And makeup like 

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(Its green not pink)
And makeup like 

(Green also)I walk around the mansion if everyone could take me to it, but I couldn't find BEN so I didn't ask him

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(Green also)
I walk around the mansion if everyone could take me to it, but I couldn't find BEN so I didn't ask him. They all said no, so I walked Slendy's office and ask, "Slendy I need someone to take me to gymnastics but everyone said no, but I couldn't find BEN." "Well child, why don't you ask BEN?" Slendy said to me. "Ok!" I said and then walked out of the door. "BEN get your ass down here now!" I yelled. He then comes out of tv. "Slendy says that you have to take me to gymnastics." I say to him. "Ok come on grab my hand." He says as he put his hand out. I grab his hand and he pulls me into the tv.

Time Skip by BEN not playing games

After a couple seconds we get there. "Thank you for taking me here but you also need to stay with me, or Slendy will be mad at you." I tell him. "Now I guess I have to stay here." BEN said back. We walk inside and they all turn and look at us. Coco walks us. "Who is this Ariel." "Coco this is BEN, BEN this is Coco," I say. "Wait but your name is ?" BEN asked me. "You know that's my name in the mansion," I said to him. BEN nodded his head. "I'll be over there in a second," I say to Coco. I turn back to BEN and say, "You can do whatever you want." I tell him. He nodded at me. "So you won't mind if I bought Jeff and Smile dog here? He asked with a smile. "Yeah just don't let them kill anyone," I say. I walk over to everyone else and start to do flips. I do
Forward rolls, Backward rolls, Handstands, Cartwheels, Round-Offs, Front walkovers, Back walkovers, Handstand Forward Rolls, Back Extension, RollsFront, Handsprings, Backhand springs, Aerial Cartwheels,
Front Tucks, Back Tucks, Back Pikes, Back Layouts, Whip Backs, Front Pikes, Front Layouts, Back Layouts 1/2, Back Layouts 1/1. Finally all of them are done. I finish stretching as I look up to see Jeff and Smile.jpg in front of me. "Hi Jeff, hi Smile." I stand up and hug Jeff. "Smile I can't hug you when you're a dog," I say. Smile changes into his human form and hugs me. "Hey Jeff you want to fight," I ask. "Hells yes I do." He says back. "Well let me go change," I say. I put on this

 I put on this

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Jeff is wearing his bloody sweatshirt like always

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Jeff is wearing his bloody sweatshirt like always. I walk out of the bathroom and he says, "Wow you're really BEN's hoe and you're showing your ears and tail." Jeff says. I turn around the other girls and say, "Well so you don't call the police I'm going to tell you what's about to happen. We are creepypasta, can one of you tell us what creepypasta is?" I say. "You guys work for Slenderman right?" One person asked. "Yes we work with Slender to kill people." I say. They start to look scared. "Calm down we're not going to kill you, you're my friends." I say to them. "Come on turn into a demon already." Jeff said. "Yeah ok I'll become my neko demon." I tell Jeff. "Ok so all ya'll going to have to back up cause I don't want to catch you on fire," I tell them. I quickly kiss BEN and back up. I start to chant: "Yo soy el demonio Déjame ser el demonio,I am the demon. Let me be the demon." A ring of green and blue fire circles my as I continue chanting . I start to float in midair. After a couple minutes I come back down and a dark green bubble goes around me. A few seconds later the bubble pops and I'm in my demon form. In a voice like BEN's but deeper, "Oh how good it feels to be back." The new me says. "Welcome back Mare,it's good to see you." BEN tells me. "¿Por qué me dejó salir? Ella nunca me deja salir a menos que pelee con alguien.(Why did she let me out? She never lets me out unless I fight with someone.)" "Lucharás contra Jeff y no te preocupes, la gente de aquí sabe lo que está sucediendo (You will fight against Jeff and do not worry, the people here know what is happening)" BEN says. "Oh, esto va a ser fácil(Oh, this is going to be easy). I tell BEN.

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