Chapter Six

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She waves him off and continues on. "What is your name?"

"Spencer." I tell her.

I feel as if I have said my name more in the past couple days than I ever do on Earth.

"Spencer. So, what does Igor want with you?"

"I'm not sure, exactly. I was told there is some challenge I have to try to meet to get back home, but if I fail, it's seems I will be dead."

She nods and turns to Jordan. "Do you know this girl?"

He shakes his head. "I mean, we have run into each other a few times, but no. I don't want to anyways."

"Oh, son, don't you see. This could be just the thing. Help her. Make sure she succeeds. It will destroy Igor if he does not get his way." Megan pleads.

Jordan takes a step towards her. "No. Face your own problems. Stop using me."

"Please. You know I can't, but you can."

Jordan glances at me. "I will do what I want."

Then he leaves. I stand there for a moment. I hardly notice that the necklace stops glowing. What just happened? What does Megan have against Igor? I mean, they say he is evil, but she seems to have something truly against him. Why does Jordan have no interest in helping me or his mother? I just don't understand these people or this place.

Serena comes over to me and takes my hand. She leads me up the stairs and into an adjoining room. She closes the door behind us.

"Spencer, listen to me." She speaks, softly.

I look at her. "I'm listening."

"That necklace, do you know where it is trying to lead you?" She asks.

"No. Why?" I answer, curious.

"I think I know, but you have to give me more of a reason to believe it."


She takes a deep breath. "I think the end of your challenge is Jordan."

I look at her. "What do you mean?"

"It was glowing when he came in and stopped after he left."

"Yeah. So what?"

"Has it done that before?"

I think about it. Has it?

"Yes." I whisper, then louder. "Yes. It has."

"Then I think I am right. Unless..." Her voice trails off.

"Unless what?" I ask, concerned.

"Unless it glows when infinites are around. Have you been around any other infinites?"

"I don't think so."

"Then that could be it too. However, the only other infinite I know is Igor, but I would not want to get close to him."

"Trust me. I don't, but I'll keep that in mind. It could be Jordan or infinites, but even if it is, I still have no idea what that means. I'll try to pay more attention." I tell her.

She is quiet for a moment before she asks, "Are you going to leave?"

I nod. "I have to. I want to finish this and get home, but I have to be sure of the ending."

"I understand. Be careful." She smiles.

I smile back. "I'll try. Be safe, Serena."

I then get up and walk out of the room, heading down the stairs. I go outside and find it is almost night. I decide to go back to the lake for the night. Tomorrow I will set out again, but with a new approach. Maybe Serena is right. Maybe I need to pay more attention to who and what is around when the necklace glows. The hard part, is once I find the end, will I know what I have to do? I can only hope so.

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