Untitled Part 1

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Peter groaned loudly as his alarm blared at him. His head burrowing into his mountain of pillows as it continues to sound.

"Good morning Spider Baby. It is Monday 4th of June and currently 6:30 am. Boss has asked me to insure you get up and shower this morning as he claims he is not below washing your butt like he's done before" Friday's voice echo's through the room and Peter groans loudly.

"OK, I'm up just lemme..." He shifts under the covers and makes his way to his bathroom, a blush forming on his face at the thought his dad would happily shove his butt in the bath for taking too long. He stripped quickly and slid into the shower, glancing up he grins. "Think you could play a song from my play list Fri?" He asks. No reply was given but soon Happier by Ed Sheran came on.

"Cause you know I'm happier with you" Peter sung along, swaying slightly as he washed his hair. He was quick to finish so that by the time a third song came on he was drying off and getting dressed.

He chose a short sleeved black shirt with an atom on it that read 'Don't Trust an Atom. They make up everything'. As well as a grey hoodie and a pair of jeans. He chucked on a pair of black socks and shoved his trainers on. Grabbing his bag he ran towards the exit of the floor.

"What do you think you're doing?" Pepper's voice rang from the kitchen, making Peter slide across the floor and look over. 

".....Going to school?" He asks tilting his head a little, confusion evident on his face. Pepper walked out, arms crossed over her chest as she pointed to a set in the kitchen.

"Urm no. You where going to skip breakfast which isn't happening. So sit down, eat the waffles or you won't be sitting comfortably in school today" She teased, Peter groaned and walked into the kitchen. Sitting in the chair he starts to eat the waffles.

"Morning Mama Potts. Spider baby" Tony kissed Pepper's cheek then Peter's head as he made his way to the coffee on the counter. "What amazing adventure is taking place today then?" He asks with a yawn.

"Peter goes back to school today." Pepper enlightens Tony who grunts a little.

"School is soooo below him, could probably go MIT and still graduate early" Tony mutters, Peter grins at him a little, shoving the last of his waffle in his mouth.

"Done!" He says going to run off. Pepper rolls her eyes and grabs his backpack as he tries to run past her. "Moooooommmmm" He whines loudly.

"Don't 'moooom' your mother. Me and her have a meeting with the principle today so Happy will be dropping us all off. So sit down, eat more waffles and text your buddy that you'll be in today." Tony waved his hand, Pepper passes him a waffle and the engineer ate quietly.

"So I have your lunch here" Pepper hands the boy a paper bag with 4 separate sandwiches in, a sealed baggy of cut up carrots and a small pot of grapes and berries. "I also packed a thermistor of tea in your bag. I hope that's enough." Peter rolls his eyes with a chuckle.

"Thanks mom" He says with a grin as she kisses his head. 

"Shove that food in your mouth Tony, we gotta head out to school!" Pepper yells as Peter rushes to the elevator. Tony shuffles behind Pepper, death grip on his cup of coffee, the elevator goes down to the garage. Happy is leaning against the car, a newspaper in hand as the three approach.

"Tony, Pepper. Kid." Peter grins and waves.

"Happy, you know where to go" Tony waved his hand a little as they get in, Peter rested his bag on the floor as Pepper fiddled with his hair.

"Look at these curls, you need a hair cut soon Petey" She spends a few more minutes messing with his hair before huffing and letting go.

"Pep come on, your distracting Happy" Tony teasingly chides from his seat next to her. Pepper just sticks her tongue out.

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