Untitled Part 3

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Peter's weekend wasn't the best.

Friday evening had led to him sleeping in the common room with all of the Avengers, thankfully no nightmares or accidents.

Saturday was a diffrent story. He'd woken up to soaked sheets and Pepper constantly telling him it was 'ok' and 'accidents happen'. He'd never felt like such a toddler in his life as he was ushered into his bathroom to shower and Pepper changed the sheets. Tony had lightly teased him but had hugged him after wards. A few hours later he'd had a second accident that worried them both. 

Sunday consisted of the same thing and ended with him in the lab with Bruce. Bruce had checked his kidney's and his bladder and sighed heavily, looking to his parents he rubs his head.

"He's got a bladder infection, the beatings have bruised his kidneys and weakened his bladder.He's going to need to take anti biotics for the next few weeks. These accidents are likely to repeat them selves as well so...protection might be the best option" He says watching Pepper and Tony nod together. Peter gapes awkwardly.

"No, you can't be serious" He groans loudly, a huff escaping his lips. "You can't be fucking serious" He mutters, a puff escaping him. Pepper sends him a warning look and he looks away.

"Ok, I can get some in shortly. I heard they got some adult diapers with our faces on them" Tony teased and Peter groaned loudly. Pepper snickers softly and comes over running a hand through his hair.

"Sorry Pete." She mummers.


That was why on Monday morning when he woke up Peter seriously debated skipping school. He layed in his bed, he could feel the wetness around his waistand groaned heavily. He could hear Clint and Pepper chatting in the kitchen and listened in.

"So if he does have an accident at school I highly doubt he'll mention it. Just try to get him to check between classes, break and lunch. Don't argue with him and for all that is holy don't embaress him. He's dealing with Bullies as it is and doesn't need his 'body gaurd' jo-" Clint's laugh echo's through the room.

"God Pep if you keep going we might as well shrink the boy back to a toddler" He said, Tony could see him shaking his head. "Besides. He's probably listening in on this conversation right now" He says and Peter could hear the smirk in his voice and Peter let out another groan as his door opened and Clint stood smirking in the door way. "Morning short stack" Clint grinned and flopped onto Peter's bed. The teen let out a low groan.

"Clint, Get off" He huffs out angrily, pushing at the man who laid next to him. Clint shook his head and pulled the covers back, a smirk on his face as he raised an eyebrow at the boy. Peter felt his face flush darkly at the soaked garment, fully aware the picture of Hawkeye was barely visible.

"I...." He flushes a bit squirming a little under the archer's stare. "I urm...need to shower" He mutters getting up awkwardly. Clint grins a bit and teasingly grabs Peter.

"Oh no no no, You clearly need a change." He teased and Peter squeaked loudly and pushes away. "I'm kidding kiddo, go shower. You stink" He shoved the teen towards the bathroom with a cheeky grin and Peter groans loudly.

"You're picking on me again" He groans and Clint just laughs as Peter showers.

He knew that the day was going to be long.


Clint followed Peter happily through the halls, scanning them as they walked. Peter got nervous at the sight of a tanned boy and Clint put his hand on his shoulder with a smile. 

"Penis!" The guy yells making his way towards them and Clint would of flinched at how quickly Peter's body prepped it's self for a hit. "What's with the sitter?" He asks, eyes scanning over Clint. Peter looked to Clint witha sigh.

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