Untitled Part 4

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The last 3 week's of Peter's life had been equally as amazing and safe as it had been humiliating.

He'd been having constant accidents to the point Bruce was worried his bladder was never going to recover. But thankfully the last week prooved that wrong as it was just when he slept he seemed to loose control now.

He hadn't been beat up once since Clint and Bucky had taken over being his body guards.

Ned had started an internship with a small programing company, he had actually turned on down from Tony saying he'd want to apply like everyone else. Though later he groaned and complained how stupid he was. ((Tony promised the moment he saw Ned's name on a application form he was taking him))

MJ had started hanging round him more, Clint and Bucky both liked her which was also good. They even left the two alone at lunch, obviously watching from afar but they let the two chat about what ever.

Peter had been having a good three weeks, but it was all about to go to shit.

"Pete! Come on we're late!" Clint's voice echo's and Peter's running out of his room, pulling a hoodie over his shirt. Pepper chucks a bag of apples at Peter who catches them and start's munching on them. 

"Thanks Mom!" He calls, Pepper rolls her eyes. 

"Tomorrow you are going to eat a proper breakfast!" Peter waves his hand as he stuffs the apple into his mouth and finishes it before starting a second. Clint stares at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm hungry" He says defensivly and Clint just raised his hands in surrender as he took Peter to school.


Clint had arrived to the school and kept his door locked. Peter was confused until he looked up and spotted all of his bullies outside, with their parents standing beside them. Clint groans loudly and makes a call.

"Hey Stark, we have a parent bully confrence going on right now. Wanna come down and chat your way around them?" Tony let out a low groan and responded boredly, like he had been told how to answer before.

"I can't, remember? Not letting people know I'm his dad or legal gaurdian till he's ready" He groaned and Peter bit his lip awkwardly.

"Tony. I....you could say you have temporary guadian ship. Just say May's out of town, that's what Ned's mom did for me last year when she had work" Peter mumbles and silence envelopes the car.

"You sure kid?" Tony asks and Peter nods before realising this is a phone not real life.

"Yeah. Just say its temporary" He repeats and Tony sighs hanging up. 

The two wait in silence.


Turns out all of his bullies had complained to their parents about Peter's body gaurd, the two not there was Flash and Trip

Tony and Clint where not impressed.

"That man is a menace, he threatened our children!" The Mrs.Phillips pointed a boney finger towards Clint who just raised an eyebrow at her.

"He called my boy a crack whore's dream!" Mr.Brixton growled out.

"Punched my baby boy in the gut!" Mrs.Moore accussed and Clint just shrugged at Tony's raised eyebrow.

"Enough." Peter's principle demanded, a glare shot at all the parents. "I've been in formed as to why Peter has required a body gaurd for the last 3 weeks. I sent home letters telling you about your children bullying Mr.Parker and yet you come here complaining about Mr.Barton." He starts.

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